Recent content by The Don

  1. T

    HDCA Cricket Chat 2010/11

    Berger do average sides win back to back? Maybe worry about your own club and buy 2 players from srilanka next year. Go Rosanna!
  2. T

    HDCA Cricket Chat 2010/11

    Heidelberg - sore losers. Well done Rosanna. Sorry to see a great competition finishing.
  3. T

    DVCA Money Shield 2010/11

    That old grey headed bloke? Is that Pendles? What a super player. Whenever he plays his last game they should carry him off. Or at least create a guard of honour... Great to hear Barnett and Crook are holding each others hands and shafting lower for money!
  4. T

    DVCA: Player movements and rumours

    The Don has heard Big bubba Ray Kesley is on 15k at North Eltham (good source). He would want to cook, clean and get 600 runs wouldnt he? Maybe roll the arm over aswell? Wow Wee! Where is local cricket heading?
  5. T

    DVCA: Player movements and rumours

    Nobody goes on with it Bull! Have you looked at stats these days. Its a bowlers game. The Chicken Man is ready to fire with Wood up to the stumps. The Pythons will strike! ssssssssssssssssssssssssss
  6. T

    DVCA: Player movements and rumours

    Not sure who you are Baldy however I heard Anderson has not spoken to some of those names from Rosanna in years. Whats next? Mick Lewis to Mont? Maybe Crossy and Almatrah as well? We are not even sure who Cisek is? Donno got wickets but is no loss. He is the biggest sook they reckon! The...
  7. T

    HDCA cricket forum

    First time ive posted or looked at this site but a big fan of the HDCA. Any news for upcoming season? Any big movers? Any big recruits?
  8. T

    Cobras and Kookas

    Re: Cobras and Kookas How are the kookas travelling so far? Results seem to show that perri is in pretty good form and ramadge having another great season..Many say hes the best bowler in jika? Any1 know anything bout the kookas?