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  1. R

    Northern Metropolitan Cricket Association (Jika)

    Rumour is McGann is going to join Rosebank with the likes of Steve Favrin heading to the helm as well. Apparently Rosebank are also chasing the services of American Tennis sensation Robby Ginepri to become there fielding/fitness coach... watch this space
  2. R

    DVCA: Player movements and rumours

    i would say that biscontin is as good as gone however kamay will stay. so with favrin, fernando and biscontin gone the hcc will yet again be written off this year, as they were last year and we all know how that turned out. hopefully the kids step it up another gear, and hopefully with the...
  3. R

    HDCA Cricket Chat 2010/11

    banyule are looking at playing indoor cricket whilst heidelberg and rosebank are in talks about becoming heidelberg-rosebank-north brunswick and becoming the best beach cricket club the world has ever seen.
  4. R

    HDCA Cricket Chat 2010/11

    No i was referring to your Marcus Lorkins, Stan Whites, Jack Violas and all your 25 year old blokes who play 3rd grade and sledge 14 year old kids - genuine heroes. What are Fold Ivanhoe going to do next year? #whocares
  5. R

    HDCA Cricket Chat 2010/11

    George just eats donuts, he's pretty harmless. I've agreed with a lot of your points on here Moneybank and if you are who i think you are then you're a good bloke. However in saying that, before you start potting blokes from other clubs (with the exception of Rosanna) you should have a serious...
  6. R

    HDCA Cricket Chat 2010/11

    Also after Garrick Melton, Cameron Taylor and Ken Crowley. Brett Pollard will Coach.
  7. R

    HDCA Cricket Chat 2010/11

    Correct. I'd rather send out a Zumbbbbbbaaaaa Bedi or a Gary Eyre (Junior or Senior) in front of Bloker.
  8. R

    HDCA Cricket Chat 2010/11

    No the Kamay to Northcote is defintely not true, he won't commit to it, he'll definitely be seen at warringal park. Will and Tom won't be playing at Heidelberg, will either be playing at Viewbank or Edinburgh apparently. Skeggs offered cash to Macleod, heard that as well and also heard that...
  9. R

    HDCA Cricket Chat 2010/11

    hey man, lay off my chins. i will accept that I, big JR and my chins get paid in mystery bets on Mount Gambier Harness and Alana Slater gets paid in zinc and sunscreen.
  10. R

    HDCA Cricket Chat 2010/11

    That's the funniest/best post i've ever seen on bigcricket.
  11. R

    HDCA Cricket Chat 2010/11

    Any news on what this means for Xanthos' dog? Is it still as feminine as ever?
  12. R

    HDCA Cricket Chat 2010/11

    and you call me the ignorant moron. now i know you're joking and just trying to get a reaction. rosebank would just about win barclay let alone start in a third division. stay in your dvca bubble because you clearly are the most dullest and deluded of individuals in terms of your knowledge on...
  13. R

    HDCA Cricket Chat 2010/11

    yeah but your opinion doesn't matter because you're most likely a virgin.
  14. R

    HDCA Cricket Chat 2010/11

    i concur. From the North Heidelberg Doggggggggggiiiiiiiieeeeeessssss.
  15. R

    HDCA Cricket Chat 2010/11

    fair enough garden, fair enough. i disagree smurf, i think that when you start off a district club you start in the 4th's, 3's at best esspecially if your a young kid. I think you're better off earning some stripes in A-Grade before you head to a district club, that's just my point of view.
  16. R

    HDCA Cricket Chat 2010/11

    yeah and i'm tipping yallah would punch him right in the teeth... :)
  17. R

    HDCA Cricket Chat 2010/11

    so you genuinely believe you would improve more playing 4's at northcote under the coaching of no one opposed to playing 1's and 2's at a Rosanna under the guidance of a Huss, or a Rosebank under the guidence of Samps and Plumps, or a Heidelberg under a Bubbles or Noons. Got rocks in your head...
  18. R

    HDCA Cricket Chat 2010/11

    yet again another typical rosanna thing to say- don't really care about your juniors, only your a-grade. star juniors should prove themselves in HDCA A-Grade before they go to district.
  19. R

    HDCA Cricket Chat 2010/11

    no he's saying that in order to retain these good junior players there needs to be some desire for the star kids to play there. why would they want to play at a rubbish senior club with no culture for free when they could play for money at a serious and professional club and win flags.
  20. R

    HDCA Cricket Chat 2010/11

    I think that you'll find Shane Doherty will be going to play District Cricket at Richmond next season as well.