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  1. T

    I'm on my way down at 30: Pietersen

    Re: I'm on my way down at 30: Pietersen hes over rated anyway wont score nothign in the ashes probably wont evrn be in the england team come next season like
  2. T

    Eastern Cricket Association 2010/11

    Re: Eastern Cricket Association 2010/11 Thought it was Shane someone or other.
  3. T

    HDCA Juniors 2010/11

    Re: HDCA Juniors 2010/11 Nice internet burn there, my friend. It is shame that you don't actually know who or what I am. However, I'm starting to believe that with you obvious knowledge of fruits you may actually be a little a fruity yourself. Indeed, some of the rumors we hear do...
  4. T

    HDCA Juniors 2010/11

    Re: HDCA Juniors 2010/11 Mr Cookson, much like Mr Kelly you are not the purveyor of taste on this site. If you have nothing to add to a debate or discussion than simply ignore it. It is not for you, nor anyone else to decide that it is 'over' because the subject matter is intellectually over...
  5. T

    HDCA Juniors 2010/11

    Re: HDCA Juniors 2010/11 Hate is such a strong word, don't you think Mr. Kelly? I would say it's more that I find you and your little chums to be a nuisance. I also find it rich that you claim the drivel you post up is actually more worthy of discussion. Let me see what is the formula you...
  6. T

    HDCA Juniors 2010/11

    Re: HDCA Juniors 2010/11 Didn't realise you had the final say on what is and is not discussed on here. Then again, best keep it simple else you and the rest of the cretins will most likely struggle to keep up.