Anyone Else find it easier to face a bowler rather then the machine

Anyone Else find it easier to face a bowler rather then the machine

I dunno if its just me but i find it easier facing a pace bowler.

My weekend cricket we played a team and there fasted bowler ws probably 130-135 so quite sharp, facing around the same on tuesday training seemed harder then watching it out of the hands and stuff

anyone else feel like this
Re: Anyone Else find it easier to face a bowler rather then the machine

It is easier to anticipate. I think it is easier.
Re: Anyone Else find it easier to face a bowler rather then the machine

Depends to be honest. Some people will find facing a machine easier, especially if they're trying to work on flaws etc. Others will need the 'excitement' that facing an actual bowler brings in order to up their game.

Personally, I'm not fussed by either, they are what they are.
Re: Anyone Else find it easier to face a bowler rather then the machine

It is harder because there is no gather to watch.

I would really only suggest using it for grooving technique.
Re: Anyone Else find it easier to face a bowler rather then the machine

I totally agree with micoach. Bowling machines are used far too much. There is no substitute to facing a real live bowler; several in fact. As eluded to, there is more to batting than just timing and hitting. However, I see little use in just asking batsmen to face the bowlers; we need to 'teach' pre-release observations and techniques to maximise time as well as potential. Leaving batsmen to work it out themselves is worthless.

Notwithstanding, bowling machines are great for practising certain shots. If the feeder knows what they are doing, and it is harder than it looks, delivery is constant. The drop should be exactly the same time after time so the batsmen can hone their movements.