Batting Grip


Well-Known Member
Batting Grip

Was considering playing some outdoor Cricket next summer after years not playing. How important is it to hold the bat in the orthodox manner as far as grip angle?

When I played last I used to hold the bat with an quite openish grip and thinking back I got caught at point a fair bit only managing to go through the field.. Would this have made it worse?

Been down the nets with my mate a bit recently with his oval shaped handle bat.. It's a touch annoying but does make make you hold it straight. Thoughts?
Re: Batting Grip

I would say that if you want a solid technique your top hand grip is vital. It allows you to control the swing of the bat by keeping your front elbow high in the straight shots.

If the grip is too far round the side or back of the bat you lose top hand control. The elbow is in the wrong place, your bottom hand starts to come through and it looks ugly.

Best grip by far is halfway between the back and the edge of the bat. It allows you to have a smooth downswing in the straight bat shots.