batting pressure


New Member
batting pressure

hi guys,

Im an opener. so when i go to bat, i feel nervous a little bit and never happens in the nets. Its not because of the ball. so if you guys have any tips for me, that would be great.
Re: batting pressure

It's natural to feel a little nervous, whether batting 1 or 11 but it's what you do with that nervousness that counts.

Batting in the net is obviously a different experience to batting out in the middle but you can take steps to mimic it. Give yourself a scenario to bat to and even the bowlers a scenario to bowl to. Try to get as close to your match day routine as possible.

As for the nerves on matchday the key thing is to remain positive and tell yourself that you're in control. All you can do is your best - you may get a good ball or you may get a dodgy decision, but these things are out of your control. Just concentrate on your job which is playing each ball on it's merit.
Re: batting pressure

In the nets if you want to mimick a game day situation play that when you are bowled or know you would of been caught walk out of the nets and bat later on or recieve throw downs. Force yourself to act as if it is a pressure situation and if you are out you are out.

I have done it a couple of times and it works wonders for your concentration and nerves
Re: batting pressure

I have recently become an opener and when i go out to bat i tend to have an arrogant attitude. I dont say it but completely think it and it gives me confidence to play shots and block out the put offs and pressure of the fielding side.
Re: batting pressure

Absolutely grosby. Though you refer to it as "an arrogant attitude", it is not arrogance, which can be extremely self defeating. It is an excellent confidence building strategy. If you think it and feel it, it will be so and nobody will be able to penetrate this confidence shield... not even you. :)