Diagonal Drill

Diagonal Drill

Hope this is ok for me to post but it's a new drill that our club coach introduced this year.

Basically you have 12 people arranged in a rectangle with stumps in the middle. There are 6 balls and the idea is that the person with the ball throws at the stumps and his opposite number backs up and fields it. After you throw you move once around the rectangle so you have different angles to field.

If someone shows me how I can post a picture.

It's a good way to learn to back up and does help accuracy (although I want more drills to help me improve this, so please post)
Re: Diagonal Drill

We do this one as well, pretty gnarly but only good for a 5 minute blast. Gets a bit receptive after that.

You can spice it up a bit but having un even numbers so people have to learn to call or end up banging heads.
Re: Diagonal Drill

swghayward79 said:
Hope this is ok for me to post but it's a new drill that our club coach introduced this year.

No problem, we encourage you to post your drills.

Seems like a nice little work, I'll certainly give it a go when I get the chance.