Effect of training on fast bowling


New Member
Effect of training on fast bowling

I'm a fast bowler, but more in the range of medium-fast. To train, I'm basically running around 30 miles (48 km) a week, and working up to 40. This might be more than required for cricket fitness, but I'm also doing some cross country running at the moment, so that's why the mileage is somewhat high. But, I'm concerned that this might actually be affecting my bowling speed adversely. I don't lift weights currently, so my training is just focused on slow-twitch fibers. I've read that fast-twitch fibers are important to bowling fast, but I'm not sure if this is true. If it is true, do you think I should curtail the mileage and start lifting in order to focus more on the fast-twitch fibers or should I just keep running as I am right now? Thanks.
Re: Effect of training on fast bowling

Harrowdrive and Liz have both talked about this, especially the fact that long distance running is of little use for cricket - you need to tailor the exercise to fit the sport. As you said, it will improve your general level of fitness but not really your cricket.

You should introduce short sprints into your work out and effectively mimic what you will be doing on the pitch -essentially, short burst of explosive, powerful motion.

Have a look at this - http://www.harrowdrive.com/7-fast-bowling-principles-you-may-not-have-considered/. It's a pretty good starting point.
Re: Effect of training on fast bowling

pal said:
If it is true, do you think I should curtail the mileage and start lifting in order to focus more on the fast-twitch fibers or should I just keep running as I am right now? Thanks.

If bowling faster is your number 1 goal then the short answer is yes: focus on free weight training (with proper technique and relatively heavy weights), core work and sprint training.

If you want to run and bowl then you can still do distance work, just cut back a bit and replace the miles with a couple of weight sessions a week.

Have a look on the fitness forum here for more advice and also take a look at A_A's link. This one is also good or you: http://www.harrowdrive.com/the-complete-guide-to-cricket-fitness/

How old are you and what level do you play pal?
Re: Effect of training on fast bowling

Thanks for the reply. I'll definitely look through those articles during the weekend. It does look like I have to cut back on the miles. I'm considering running normally three days a week, lifting three days a week and running shorter distances on the lifting days. I'll turn eighteen soon and I just play locally, at not too high a level, but I want to try out for a better team.
Re: Effect of training on fast bowling

Sprint work will also help your distance running as it will give you a stronger finish.