My Eating problem

Timed Out

New Member
My Eating problem

I got a bit of an eating problem at the moment. Im finding that i have to eat little and often rather than average sized meals. Im 15 about 5ft 6/7inches and average weight. Before i used to gulp meals down but now i find im easily filled up but soon become hungry after my meals. Any ideas on whats causing it?
Re: My Eating problem

How long have you noticed this been happening? [sorry, grammar bypass :embarrassed:]
Get yourself weighed and measured; height, waist and hips and let me know what they are.
Has your weight changed recently?
To reiterate Simbazz, post all your food and drink for today.
Re: My Eating problem

7am Bread Roll/Chocolate Croissant for Breakfast.
10.15 Fruit Winder and Chewee Bar
11.45 2 Cheese Roll, Chocolate Pancake and maybe one more snack.
17.00 Average plate of whatever it is.
20.00 Cereal or something similar.
Re: My Eating problem

If you ask me, too much in a morning, just to compare, my day is;

7.30AM Kellogs Bar
12.00PM Kellogs Bar

For my evening meal i have anything like pasta etc. and i have that anywhere between 5PM to 9PM.

During the night i might have a bowl of low fat rice pudding or custard or something, but thats only if im hungry, which is hardly ever.
Re: My Eating problem

From a physiological viewpoint we are built to do certain things.

One of those things is to 'graze' or eat smaller meals every few hours. There is nothing inherently wrong with eating like this. It stabilises blood sugar levels and improves metabolism.

As Liz alluded to, the important thing is whether your diet AS A WHOLE is effecting your health and cricket performance.

So how do you feel? Is your weight changing? Do you have enough energy? Do you have any nutritional goals (weight loss, muscle gain, performance) and are you meeting them?