power in batting


New Member
power in batting

i usually do weights 3 times a weak....

usually consists of bicep curls, bench, flys, upright rows, reverse pushups and normal pushups..

is there any certain weights i could do 2 give me more power in my general batting and also possibly my bowling???
Re: power in batting

I can just predict what the post after mines is going to say

David? :D

Oh and what is a reverse pushup?
Re: power in batting

'Movements not muscles' by any chance? Do a search for my rants on the topic.

Well done for training Aussie boy. Push ups are an amazing exercise for cricketers and much underratted. How old are you?
Re: power in batting

Thanks for that AUSSIE BOY, have seen them being done before, and i will give them a shot
Re: power in batting

im 16.... i try 2 fit atleast 6 sets of 10 pushups into my training... is that enough???

yep that is plenty. Try adding an extra push up or two every time you do it. You wont always be able too but progress is the key.

If you can do more than 20 easily try making them harder by elevating your feet.
Re: power in batting

Also for your initial question about getting more power have a look at my post about core training:


Especially the bit about rotational power. If you can get your hands on a med ball or sandbag to throw around all the better.

Also I see you are doing no leg training. Power comes from the legs so add in some squats, single leg squats and hip lifts.
Re: power in batting

yeah i might bring some into my training.... this may be a stupid question and i kno its in the wrong area of the forum but does flexability affect your bowling e.g pace????
Re: power in batting

Absolutely, flexibility is all about the range of movement about a joint. If you think about all the joints that move during pace bowling, including all the spinal joints (!) you can appreciate how important it is. Not just to increase performance but to reduce injury.
Re: power in batting

coz i have a real poor stretch.... i cant get my hands any further then 1/2 way down my shins.... could this b slowing my bowling up??
Re: power in batting

Definitely, it suggests poor hamstring flexibility so, not only is it slowing your bowling but making you extremely susceptible to injury. :(
Re: power in batting

hey liz

i have the same problem as aussie boy with the flexibilty

wat would be the best way to improve this because i have had this problem for a long time now and i would also like to get a bit more pace in my bowling as well
Re: power in batting

Hi Ads,

This is a common problem with young guys and a most unfortunate one, as it is the young guys who really need good flexibility in this area.

I think the best thing to do is take this back to the Fitness and Nutrition Forum. If you give me a little while [I'm waiting for my next client at the moment] I shall post some stretches for you both later.