Stump Throw Down

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Active Member
Stump Throw Down

Another quick and easy drill to set up that looks to improve your pick up and throwing skills. For this you'll need a minimum of 2 people, 6 stumps and a few cricket balls.

Find a decent area of outfield and set the stumps out in a line (or any shape really) about 4/5 metres apart - these will be the targets! From here you just need one person either side of the stumps, anywhere from 10 to 30 metres away. The idea is to take turns aiming at the stumps, in order, with the non-throwing player having to field the throw before their turn. Once a stump has been hit, move on the next one etc.

You can play this in teams with pairs aiming for a single stump; once a stump has been hit, a new pair takes over with a point being awarded to the side that hits.