Gilchrist owes batting prowess to....squash ball!!


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Gilchrist owes batting prowess to....squash ball!!

Adam Gilchrist has revealed the real reason behind his stupendous innings in the World Cup final......he put a squash ball in one of his gloves!! His batting coach Bob Meuleman (I bought my cricket bat from his cricket shop!!) insisted that Gilchrist put a squash ball in his glove in order to help improve his batting.

Because of Gilchrist's unusual grip, Meuleman insisted that he put a squash ball in there so it would stop the bat turning in his hand and so his bottom hand could only be used in a "V".

Highly unorthodox but very effective. @|

Gilchrist credits innings to squash ball
Re: Gilchrist owes batting prowess to....squash ball!!

Ljp86;156959 said:
...... His batting coach Bob Meuleman (I bought my cricket bat from his cricket shop!!) ......

My best friend's sister's boyfriend's brother's girlfriend heard from this guy who knows this kid who's going with the girl that really liked the article. ;) Nice find!! A bit related is about Vladisav Tretiak, ex-Soviet goalie (infamous for being pulled in the Miracle on Ice), and generally considered one of the best, if no the best hockey player never top play in the NHL. He was made to carry a tennis ball around with him at all times, even on a team outing to a beach (I mention that cause the story I read has him being reprimanded by his coach as he wades into the water sans tennis ball). He was to squeeze it constantly and bounce it off walls and catch it ad naseum. Must have been something to it, cause the man was one hell of a goalie.
Re: Gilchrist owes batting prowess to....squash ball!!

That's really weird, but weird or not, it still helped him bad awsome.

This is a good tactic after England's sweet ball saliva method in 05 Ashes