Power Balls


Power Balls

Do Power Balls help batting or bowling at all. Some claim that these things strengthen your wrists hence more power when bowling and batting. I am a little suspicious.

Does anyone have practical experience of these toys?
Re: Power Balls

I have one and yeah, they do seem to strengthen the arm and wrist. Not sure how much good they do in real terms for cricket but it's a good 5 minute distraction from time to time.
Re: Power Balls

One of my friends has one he uses for tennis and just for fun. He says it's ok but I heard that they were bad for arthiritis or RSI or something like that because it's the same movement again and again.
Re: Power Balls

Actually, I use them as a rehabilitation aid for injuries such as Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI), as well as Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS), Arthritis, Wrist Injury/Break, Tendonitis and Tennis/Golf Elbow.

Powerballs are non-impact fitness tools which work your wrist through its full range of motion whilst adding resistance at the same time. They can give your shoulders, arms and wrists an extreme but non-impact, workout.