The Lounge 2

I thought Prigozhin would be mad to go to Belarus where he'd be knocked off but it seems he has gone there after all.
President Lukashenko of Belarus seems to want him and his Wagner army to strengthen his own army.
There seems to be more twists and turns in this story than a cut snake.
Yes, there's quite a lot of speculation. One source stated that Prigozhin's family would've been in danger if he hadn't backed off.
Good question. What has it achieved for Ukraine, only served to give the Ruskies time to dig in and bring in reinforcements.
My impression is that people often expect too much and base their expectations on those courses of battles as they may have seen in films on WWII. Those old-school battle formations are very rare these days and if they are seen, then they indicate the very end of an offensive and not the beginning. An offensive can have been going on for some time without spectators realising it. As you are saying, the Russians have had a steep learning curve by establishing three defence lines that will give the Ukrainians a headache since they are already having difficulty getting past the forward commands. OTOH, the Ukrainians have learnt where the weakest points of the Russians are and will be using that knowledge for the decisive breakthrough, which, however, won't be the final one. We'll see a series of attacks and counterattacks and it will be too early for real territorial gains. So we shouldn't be expecting too much in this phase of the conflict.
Is there no heating at all, or the heating lowered too far at night?

I have a nice gas heater Thomas but turn it off when I go to bed. Too costly otherwise. It's cheaper to put on extra clothes and extra bed covers. I sleep better rugged up on a cold night.
I've been in minus temps and been snowed in, I loved it 🥶
2-15 would sound like nothing to someone that lives in the UK but we are kind of poorly prepared for that weather, our houses especially old ones like mine aren't designed or equiped for it, since it's only a month or 2 max we don't invest in the clothes so much either.
Yes she was. :( "Vanilla is one of the surviving chimps from the New York-based Laboratory for Experimental Medicine & Surgery in Primates (LEMSIP). Vanilla and her sister, Shake, have a new island home at Save the Chimps in Fort Pierce, Florida."
Ahh bless her, may she have a much happier life now 😊
I don't agree with testing on animals, I understand why it's done but I don't agree with it. I buy 'cruelty free' cosmetics and toiletries, never had any intention of buying anything that's been tested on animals.
2-15 would sound like nothing to someone that lives in the UK but we are kind of poorly prepared for that weather, our houses especially old ones like mine aren't designed or equiped for it, since it's only a month or 2 max we don't invest in the clothes so much either.
We are poorly prepared for the heat, anything of 20 and I'm melting 🥵 we're having cooler weather at the min, much more comfortable for me.
I have a nice gas heater Thomas but turn it off when I go to bed. Too costly otherwise. It's cheaper to put on extra clothes and extra bed covers. I sleep better rugged up on a cold night.
Same here Ritchie, I sleep better in a cold bedroom so hardly ever put the heating on, much prefer an extra fleece blanket over my duvet.
Yes she was. :( "Vanilla is one of the surviving chimps from the New York-based Laboratory for Experimental Medicine & Surgery in Primates (LEMSIP). Vanilla and her sister, Shake, have a new island home at Save the Chimps in Fort Pierce, Florida."

Same here Ritchie, I sleep better in a cold bedroom so hardly ever put the heating on, much prefer an extra fleece blanket over my duvet.
Electricity is too expensive leaving it on all night as well.

Can be challenging trying to sleep in summer with no air con though.
Perth is way better especially near the coast, it still gets really hot but in the arvo a sea breeze called the "Fremantle Doctor" almost always comes in.
Ahh bless her, may she have a much happier life now 😊
I don't agree with testing on animals, I understand why it's done but I don't agree with it. I buy 'cruelty free' cosmetics and toiletries, never had any intention of buying anything that's been tested on animals.
Do you get those in The Body Shop?