Batting Drills

Re: Batting Drills

One I've found very useful recently is practicing with a tennis ball and a stump against a wall. Just stand about 3 metres from the wall and throw the ball against it so it bounces before it gets back to you, and then just drive it with the stump. This is good for practicing making clean contact with a moving ball - believe me, it's pretty obvious when you edge it :D If tennis ball is too easy, do like Bradman and try it with a golf ball ;)

If you want to practice hitting straight, you could try sock cricket. There's a thread on here somewhere about it. Basically you put a cricket ball in a sock and then suspend it from a tree or something using some twine. Then hit it so it swings away - when it comes back, try to hit straight back through the line. If you're off the ball will start going in circles so you know you're not doing it right.

I'm sure there are other suggestions - anyone?
Re: Batting Drills

Have you tried a cricket ball hanging on a rope of a cloth lines etc can help. I no steve waugh used this method to improve his batting
Re: Batting Drills

Yeah I'm not convinced that the sock thing is such a great idea? But today I had an interesting practice with a ball against a wall. I can't bat to save my life and because of my work commitments I never seem to be able to get along to pre-season nets. I've done the wall thing outside my house but the wall's a bit low and the type of ball I use has a massive bearing on whether the practice is useful or not. But today I used the rubber inside part of an old busted G&M training ball and the amount of bounce with this ball seemed to be really useful in that the ball pinged off the wall at high speed and kept a realistic height. I've been listening to my sons coaches as they're taught at their cricket sessions and making notes - so today I was working on front foot drives, stepping out to the ball keeping my head over the ball, moving my feet - getting in line with the ball and it seemed to work really well - I was dancing around all over the place. All I've got to do is find a slightly better wall that's higher and I'll be able to hit the ball harder and be able to stand further back - and this'll be even more realistic? Do other people do this other than Ed as it strikes me as a potentially good batting drill?

Liz if you're looking in - becuase this was up against a wall it was constant, I came in sweating like a horse and my butt cheeks ached as well as my thighs and calf muscles - surely this is a good cardio vascular exercise and it's very cricket specific - I could do this instead of the power walking? Please say yes cos all those types of exercise bore me to tears!!!
Re: Batting Drills

edladd;273520 said:
If tennis ball is too easy, do like Bradman and try it with a golf ball ;)

I would actually say that the tennis ball is better for practicing the drive. You want to make sure you are getting to the pitch of the ball, and with a tennis ball's "spongy" bounce, the ball will balloon up if you are not getting to the pitch - providing a good indicator of how good or bad your technique is. A golf ball on the other hand will pretty much always shoot low off the bat and drives that are "bad" technically might appear good shots.
Re: Batting Drills

someblokecalleddave;282231 said:
Liz if you're looking in - becuase this was up against a wall it was constant, I came in sweating like a horse and my butt cheeks ached as well as my thighs and calf muscles - surely this is a good cardio vascular exercise and it's very cricket specific - I could do this instead of the power walking? Please say yes cos all those types of exercise bore me to tears!!!



watch your posture and alignment. Keep good form; you do not want to be causing tight pecs and sore backs ;)
Re: Batting Drills

Hmm - I have no technique - but I'm trying to develop it on my own, I've watched loads or vids on youtube and I'm trying to learn the front foot drive a la Vaughn and Cook. But I've got no-one to watch me and tell me whether I'm getting it right and wrong, I'm just quite pleased at the minute to be able to get the bat on the ball and direct it in the direction I want.

I'll watch out for back pains and Pec's pains, if I get any of that happenining I'll report back.
Re: Batting Drills

No one better to learn from than Vaughan:p

Ive never had anyone actually show me how to play a drive until my mate who plays in the firsts helped me, Im getting there slowly.
Re: Batting Drills

someblokecalleddave;285734 said:
Hmm - I have no technique - but I'm trying to develop it on my own, I've watched loads or vids on youtube and I'm trying to learn the front foot drive a la Vaughn and Cook. But I've got no-one to watch me and tell me whether I'm getting it right and wrong, I'm just quite pleased at the minute to be able to get the bat on the ball and direct it in the direction I want.

I'll watch out for back pains and Pec's pains, if I get any of that happenining I'll report back.

It would help [hugely] to invest in a one2one, just to get you started. Be sure to choose a coach who actually knows what he is doing ;) If in doubt, Ponty can help. It is a great investment; you do not want to spend hours developing a technique that is potentially harmful at worse or inhibits potential at best.

It is unlikely that you will feel pain in the pecs; more likely referred pain [elsewhere]. Most guys have tight pecs; best thing to do is work on prevention and stretch your pecs regularly :D
Re: Batting Drills

regarding the sock drill, I've discovered two things to look out for.
1. Sockball in cricles:Hitting the sockball off line it goes in circles indicating that the ball is not in the middle of the bat. this is what has been said above.

Another thing that has not been mentioned is that:
2. Sockball jumps up in the air after impact: Interception with the sockball is not timed correctly. It should have a smoooth travel after impact with its line tight but not overly so. THis technique can be made more advanced by using elastic in the line, or tights instead of sock.
Re: Batting Drills

It sounds stupid but mirror batting is excellent.

Just stand in front of a full length mirror and practice the shot, correct yourself (use a coaching book like Gary Palmer's batting mechanics book) and get the feel for what is right.

Yes, it's a big jump to going out and playing it in the middle but if you know what the right shot feels like you have a batter chance of getting it right.
Re: Batting Drills

I batted in the nets tonight after a week of using my 'Bradman bat' see Wrist Spin Bowling: Bradman Bats and it was the best batting session I've ever had and this was while I was having to contend with the fact that I hadn't taken my special pants to tuck my box into and was having to somehow keep my box in place whilst wearing a pair of boxer shorts under baggy football shorts! Nevertheless I must have got the bat on 9 out of 10 balls and 8 out of 10 of them were shots that went into safe areas or were played at a good height it seemed. So despite the box distraction and the fact that I've only been using this skinny bat with tennis balls for less than a week and the fact that I was facing some of our faster bowlers, leg spinners and off spinners the improvement seems to be exponential. It'll be interesting to see how well I'll do next week with another week of practice with the skinny bat and with my box in place and secure enabling me to fully focus on the ball?
Re: Batting Drills

someblokecalleddave;345526 said:
Once a week for 15 - 20 minutes.
Then it's really good and also try to get spinners and fast bowlers to bowl at you...
If u are using the bradman bat then pls avoid it and use Ur normal cricketing bat...
Not getting "OUT" is Ur challenge in the nets...

Best of luck