batting problem


New Member
batting problem

GUYS, i have a serious problem So i hope you guys will help me. The problem is that, when i go to bat(1 down) i kinda panic and gets out in 2-3 balls. This never happens in practice. In practice, im much relaxed and play really well, watch the ball carefully and play according to that. But in games, my mind is like crazy. I cant think of anything such as watching the ball and stuff. But i know that im not nervous. Last week my team played a practice match by splitting into 2 teams and i played really well in there. When there is a real game and when i go to bat, i panic. I would really appreciate if you guys give me any solutions to this problem. Thank you.
Re: batting problem

by the way guys, this was happening since august. i've been looking for answers but never found one.
Re: batting problem

i play for a side in which i bat 3.

the way that i approach when having to face the ball very early when batting at 3, is to have a very arrogant attitude. i tend to go out there and believe in myself by saying that no one out there is better then me and no one out here should get me out. i dont say this out loud but have this saying going through my head all the time.

it helps especially when leaving or facing a bowler that is a toch nippy and is hard to face.

hope this helps
Re: batting problem

touching on grosbys points, also take your time! You are in control in the middle and the bowler cant bowl til your ready. Take a few deep breaths, Look around at the gaps, do a couple of stretches. Just take your time.

When the bowler comes in, just focus your eyes on the ball in the bowlers hand. Watch it closely. After 4 or 5 overs you will start to settle then set yourself little goals like getting to 10 runs or 20 runs and keep doing so until your settled.
Re: batting problem

I bat at No 3 and it's the best spot to bat in. You must first convince yourself of this.
At No 3, you get the chance to either go in early and therefore the nerves of sitting around waiting are gone, or the openers can see off the new ball. Either way it's a plus.
The trick to batting at 3, in my opinion, is to walk to the crease quickly and with purpose. The opposition expect the No 3 to be the best batsmen in the side and if you display that outward confidence right away, it will put you at ease. I always take block as soon as I get to the crease and ask the umpire for my guard, very assertively and clearly. This gives the impression that you can't wait to face your first ball.
The rest of a matter or technique, which either have or you haven't.
Is you continue to fail at No 3, then perhaps it's just not your spot. Consider asking to bat in the middle order or even ask to open the innings as the nerves won't have to time to strangle you.
All the best.
Re: batting problem

I would advise in making your net/practice sessions resemble a match situation as closely as you can.

Tell yourself that you're going in at 3, even create a scenario for yourself (e.g going in at 17-1 off 8 overs) and make sure that you follow your match day routine as closely as possible. Tell the bowlers what you're doing as they can also play a part in this - it would be even better if they bowled in overs rather than one ball after another (as always seems to happen in nets/practice).

The link Liz posted is a good read so check it out. Also, remember that it is important to challenge yourself mentally as this will help you in the match.
Re: batting problem


The above mentioned suggestions made by our friends will be helpful to u.
The only sad part is that u waited from August for the answers.
Please go thru the link given by liz that will be helpful to u and the advices given by other are really helpful.

Try to adapt it and share ur experience with us.

All the Best

Re: batting problem

Ask if you can be dropped down the order and try to think positve when you bat, thats how Bradman was so succesfull. All the best mate, Lou
Re: batting problem

micoach, i get nervous a little bit, before going to bat. But when im at the wicket i dont feel nervousness that much but my mind is blank, Which means i cant think of anything while im out there. More like not relaxed and cant concentrate at all. Due to this, my bat plays however it wants, not the way i want. This never happens in practices or practice matches. Here are my stats of last 3 games - 0(3), 0(4), 4(3). However last season, out of 7 games my highest score was 9*. Other scores are pretty bad. Its really hard to tell what makes me nervous but i think its probably the field setting.
Re: batting problem

redondo;307586 said:
micoach, i get nervous a little bit, before going to bat. But when im at the wicket i dont feel nervousness that much but my mind is blank, Which means i cant think of anything while im out there. More like not relaxed and cant concentrate at all. Due to this, my bat plays however it wants, not the way i want. This never happens in practices or practice matches. Here are my stats of last 3 games - 0(3), 0(4), 4(3). However last season, out of 7 games my highest score was 9*. Other scores are pretty bad. Its really hard to tell what makes me nervous but i think its probably the field setting.

So you have made 4 runs in your last three digs and last season in 7 hits, your top score was 9?
Don't take this the wrong way, but it's obvious you shouldn't be batting at No 3. That's not your fault. The captain needs to take some responsibility for this.
It sounds like you should be batting quite low. Again, don't take that the wrong way. try coming in at No 8 or 9 and see what happens. You might not be so nervous if there's not as much riding on the outcome?
Re: batting problem

tugga1;307968 said:
So you have made 4 runs in your last three digs and last season in 7 hits, your top score was 9?
Don't take this the wrong way, but it's obvious you shouldn't be batting at No 3. That's not your fault. The captain needs to take some responsibility for this.
It sounds like you should be batting quite low. Again, don't take that the wrong way. try coming in at No 8 or 9 and see what happens. You might not be so nervous if there's not as much riding on the outcome?

I agree but I think it sounds like you have enough talent to be a number 6 or 7 at least then the pace is set for you, the field is spread and there is lots of runs on offer.
Re: batting problem

redondo;307586 said:
micoach, i get nervous a little bit, before going to bat. But when im at the wicket i dont feel nervousness that much but my mind is blank, Which means i cant think of anything while im out there. More like not relaxed and cant concentrate at all. Due to this, my bat plays however it wants, not the way i want. This never happens in practices or practice matches. Here are my stats of last 3 games - 0(3), 0(4), 4(3). However last season, out of 7 games my highest score was 9*. Other scores are pretty bad. Its really hard to tell what makes me nervous but i think its probably the field setting.

Have u discussed the same with ur captain or coach..what have they to say?
Re: batting problem

redondo;307586 said:
micoach, i get nervous a little bit, before going to bat. But when im at the wicket i dont feel nervousness that much but my mind is blank, Which means i cant think of anything while im out there. More like not relaxed and cant concentrate at all. Due to this, my bat plays however it wants, not the way i want. This never happens in practices or practice matches. Here are my stats of last 3 games - 0(3), 0(4), 4(3). However last season, out of 7 games my highest score was 9*. Other scores are pretty bad. Its really hard to tell what makes me nervous but i think its probably the field setting.

OK now we are getting into it. What is it about the field settings?

Also, if you were a really good batting version of yourself, what would you think about ini the middle?
Re: batting problem

Virendersingh.berthwal - yes i have talked to my captain about it and during practice he tells me where the fielders are and bowls according to that.( just like a game)

micoach - If i were a good batsmen, i would watch the ball, concentrate and play according to the field. The main problem is that i cant think of anything. My mind is blank.
Like i said the main thing is that i cant calm down myself, im always like in a hurry and play a stupid shot which gets me out very easily. The solution that im looking for is a way to concentrate( relax) and bat for a long period of time.