Bowling Videos

James P

Bowling Videos

Hi guys

Here are 3 videos of me bowling in the net near my house. I apologize in advance for the darkness of the video as it was getting dark by the time my brain engaged and thought it might be a good idea to film my bowling. I'll try and get some lighter one's in the day early next week.

[ame=""]YouTube - Leg Spin Bowling from Behind[/ame]

[ame=""]YouTube - Leg Spin Bowling from Side[/ame]

[ame=""]YouTube - Leg Spin Bowling from Front[/ame]

I've been really struggling with getting the length right recently, not too bad on the line, but i'm dropping way too many short and getting creamed. On the videos from behind and from the side the first ball is what i'm talking about - I normally try and get good loop on the ball but it's like i'm dragging the ball down but I don't know why. It's almost a half tracker, and any decent batsman in our league is going to put that in the next field. The third ball from behind is probably the best ball I bowled all night!

Any suggestions on sorting this would be great.


James P
Re: Bowling Videos

I see what you mean about dropping it slightly short - has to be a mixture of release and trying to put revs on the ball, meaning it's dropping short.

Have you tried putting a target down to aim for? A sheet of A4 is an ideal starting point.
Re: Bowling Videos

One request can u post it on the Wrsit spin bowling thread.It is a dedicated post for spinners.

Regarding ur bowling query,Please refer to my post no: 174 and 182 in "Wrist Spin Bowling".
Few basics of leg spin has been posted.Just go thru it and if u have any doubts pls revert back accordingly.

Few details required from u:
What is ur age?
How long have u been bowling leg spin?
Did u bowl medium pace earlier?
Re: Bowling Videos

VB, it would be better if he posts video's in a separate thread because more people would view it because people like me don't go in the wrist-spin bowling thread.