Christmas Feasting!

Liz Ward

Well-Known Member
Christmas Feasting!

Our friend from, David Virgo, has just reminded me of the following:

"...knowing research shows that over the holiday season we put on an average of 3kg. Usually all body fat.

That equates to 8 kilos extra on your knees every step you take.

The unfortunate part of this equation is that after the holiday season has finished the extra weight gained stays with us until we decide to lose it.

The majority don't lose it - they just accept it and live with it.

"It is part of getting older", they say!!!"

Well, you know where we are if you need pre/post Christmas advice :D
Re: Christmas Feasting!

:laugh: I hate Christmas food, although i do enjoy the mashed up carrots and gravy. I usually go out training with a few mates on Christmas day, its cold and usually wet but beats watching rubbish tele!