Falling apart; Ankle worries.


Falling apart; Ankle worries.

Since i was seven i've had trouble with my ankles. I broke my right ankle at the age of seven, and with being on cruches for 15 weeks kind of ruined my left ankle.

Now we're in winter, i wake up probably everyday with either my right one hurting, or both. Is this normal? When i've walked a little and got them warmed, they're fine, but they're pretty painful to start up.
Re: Falling apart; Ankle worries.

I am afraid it is normal Simbazz :(

Try wearing bed socks, it might help; the brighter the colour the better :D

Mobilise your ankles before you get out of bed every morning and get some heat to them as soon as possible.
Re: Falling apart; Ankle worries.

Cheers Liz, its just i've been told with the state of my ankles that they could deteriorate at any speed, so if its normal then i wont worry.

I've also got the worry of Arthritis as the doctor said that under no doubt I will get a bit of Arthritis to a varying degree. It could be a bit of Arthritis around the bones, or it could be bad. My granparents both have it, so im just hoping.
Re: Falling apart; Ankle worries.

I did not want to say but... it is normal because I suspect you have a bit of arthritis :(

No worries, it does not necessarily mean gloom. Eat lots of unpasturised pineapples, keep your ankles warm and dry and keep them mobilised, you'll be OK.
Re: Falling apart; Ankle worries.

Cheers Liz, glad to know that i'm not going to give up ankles tomorrow :p Its not a worry in the summer, although i can sprain the ankle as easy as walking down the stairs, in the last 2 years i've sprained my ankles more than 20 times. :eek:

No worries though, thanks Liz!
Re: Falling apart; Ankle worries.

Get yourself a wobbleboard; you need to strengthen your ankles and don't forget the pineapple.
Re: Falling apart; Ankle worries.

Any chance of you getting to like pineapple?

It tastes a lot nicer than linseed oil. Strangely, that's not a joke!
Re: Falling apart; Ankle worries.

Well if you say eat it, and it'll help, then eat it i shall!

How many times weekly are we talking?
Re: Falling apart; Ankle worries.

If we are talking pineapple, as much as you can. I shall send you something that will explain.

If we are talking Linseed oil, I shall send you something else or you could try the linsuit flaxmeal (see supplements).
Re: Falling apart; Ankle worries.

:eek:hmy: How can you not like pineapple :eek:hmy: I have a similar problem with my right ankle except I have broken it just strained it really bad. Wobble boards are excellent for stability or even just using a pillow to a similar degree. I've been trying single leg squats which also help with the balance aspect. I had the same issue being I relied on my left so that one started to hurt. Oh and if it's to easy on a pillow try closing your eyes.
Re: Falling apart; Ankle worries.

Hi Liz,

I was gonna post a topic like this but I saw this one just sitting here, so I'll post it here instead. Basically, I went over on my left ankle near the end of last season in the nets, landing awkwardly in my delivery stride. I played a game (in some pain) two days later and then went over on it again 2-3 weeks later playing rugby. It took a while to settle down and I had forgotten about it but I went over on it again yesterday in rugby and played on it for another 40mins or so. I tried wearing an ankle brace for a while at the start of the rugby season but found that the ankle was still sore after games and I got blisters on my feet.

I think its developing into (or already is) a weak ankle and, as I'm a fast bowler, my left ankle is really important. Are there any exercises/foods that I could look at to strengthen it???

Pineapples sound a bit odd but I'll try it if it'll help and I think I actually have a wobble board stashed away somewhere if that would help here too??

Much thanks :)
Re: Falling apart; Ankle worries.

Hi Liz,

Thanks for the advice.
I was facing the same problem and the winter is very strong this year in Mumbai.
It becomes very diffcult to go for practice early morning at 6:30 AM.
Your post will be helpful to me :)
Re: Falling apart; Ankle worries.

this is the problem with cricket,and its mainly bowlers who get the worst of it-every young cricketer has physical problems eg. backs,ankles,knees
there must be some sort of coaching that can stop this?? or reduce it?
Re: Falling apart; Ankle worries.

kizza said:
this is the problem with cricket,and its mainly bowlers who get the worst of it-every young cricketer has physical problems eg. backs,ankles,knees
there must be some sort of coaching that can stop this?? or reduce it?

There is Kizza... and specialist coaches who have in-depth knowledge of anatomy and physiology who work on prehabilitation; preparing specific areas of the body for specific activities, making injury a thing of the past.

We are called Conditioning Coaches but getting cricket clubs to take us seriously is another matter. I have offered my services free of charge to run workshops on core stability, functional training, mental toughness etc [it's a passion ;)] but to no avail.

To be perfectly honest with you, I am incredibly frustrated to only see guys once they are injured... with injuries that are very much preventable and will take them out of the game for whole seasons.
Re: Falling apart; Ankle worries.

geez i wish u could come to australia
our coaches over here are only focused on scoring 100's and bowling as fast and straight as possible they never help you with injuries
gee it would be rlly great if u could come out here and help us with our injuries
even our physios jus massage the troubled area until its not hurting and charge you a crap load of money
Re: Falling apart; Ankle worries.

Jeez, you must have a really crap physio. Both of the ones ive been to have been more intent on stopping the injury from re-occuring than immediate treatment. And because training these specialist coaches costs a fair bit of money, and a lot of coaches at junior level are volunteers, its not untill you reach A-Grade or Seniors that you will run into those specialist coaches
Re: Falling apart; Ankle worries.

yeh thats true
some physios do tell u how to stop it occuring but some are jus crap
Re: Falling apart; Ankle worries.

Jelly Beanz said:
...I went over on my left ankle near the end of last season in the nets, landing awkwardly in my delivery stride. I played a game (in some pain) two days later and then went over on it again 2-3 weeks later playing rugby... ...I think its developing into (or already is) a weak ankle...

Hi Jelly Beanz.

In such an injury, the ligaments stretch [they consider it preferable to snapping :D]

Unlike tendons, which have a certain amount of 'give', ligaments are reluctant to return to their preinjury state so remain 'loose' about the joint. This means the joint is not properly stabilised anymore, giving the impression of a weak ankle.

A wobble board would be excellent for training the muscles around the ankle, giving it extra support and for the long term, this is the best course of action.

I would love to be able to work with you, with your run up, jump gather. There are many things we could do but you really need professional assistance; slight incorrect posture, alignment, technique etc could make the situation worse.

If you have access to a small trampet... run up, jump, land on the trampet with your left ankle [no bounce] with great alignment [concentrate] hold for five seconds and then move on. This will help with your stability.

The greater your core, the more able your body will be to compensate for this weakness.

In the short term, find a physio, sports therapist, conditioning coach etc to show you how to 'tape' the ankle. Taping is preferable to a brace; not only is it a greater stabiliser, it will not cause blisters. Tape your ankle prior to any impact activity.

What rugby position do you play?