Falling away at delivery

khan nasir

New Member
Falling away at delivery

I have been told I am falling away at delivery occasionally.

Does anyone have tips for staying upright when delivering the ball?

Should I try and brush my ear with my bowling arm as its coming over?
Re: Falling away at delivery

I had that problem once or twice last year. I just focused on planting the front foot in the right place (as in wide enough) and on pulling towards the target with the front arm. Those are minor things though, its more to do with head position.

Brushing your ear with your arm on the way through keeps the bowling arm coming over straight but if you're falling away that's more to do with head position. Concentrate on having your head in a corridor type thing and keeping it as upright and straight as possible. Manee was better at explaining it than me...
Re: Falling away at delivery

when i was learning to bowl my coach always told me to brush my ear
if ur falling away maybe you could change ur bowling style??
Re: Falling away at delivery

No need. You just need two people. This is the ONE helpful thing Graeme Yallop did for me.

Get two people to stand just after the delivery crease, one on one side, one on the other, but so they are close-ish together, so you can just fit threw, but you have to go in a straight line to get threw. So if have to go straight them to avoid being hit, and do that over and over and it hopefully will fix.
Re: Falling away at delivery

I think, personally, I'd find having to squeeze through people to bowl a little awkward but I can see how it may work.

As for myself, if I feel that I'm falling away I resort to the mental side of things and imagine my self being very tall and upright. As I bowl I try to picture my arm going up straight and my whole body with it, the image is literally of being a skyscraper. May sound weird but I find it works for me.
Re: Falling away at delivery

Thank you for your advices. I will try the yallop way and also try to think tall.

If I get some joy I will post back with what worked best for me.
Re: Falling away at delivery

As briefly mentioned in the first reply, your front arm can assist in keeping you upright.

Lock your front arm in close to your body. Really use it to force your body through your action and over your front leg.

This can help with balance and pace.
Re: Falling away at delivery

I guess this follows on from Graeme Yallop's advice.

I would use cones; the type that have poles inserted through the top, providing good height.

Plant the cones, 60cm apart, in a straight line, along your run up, giving you a narrow channel. The cones should go beyond the crease. This also helps with those bowlers unable to run in a straight line ;) .

As you bowl, you are unable to fall away. It is a little awkward, but you would not need to do it too many times before your CNS gets the message.
Re: Falling away at delivery

OMG Yallop was right!

That tosser actually did something good OMGGGZ!

Sorry, but I have had a bad encounter with Yallop, he made me absolutely hate cricket and hate myself for a period of time.