

New Member

Possibly the greatest and funniest blokes to eva appear on bigcricket. Pays the absolute crap out of zapp and snoop and they have nothin, absolutely nothin to come back with. FISKEM keep up the good work we love ya!
Re: Fiskem

What are you on gamebreaker. You must be some scotchy fag like fist'em. Maybe your his boyfriend. Dont take the critisism so badly. I'm just letting you lovebirds know you need to be a bit more discreet if you want to keep your relationship a secret. BTW, fist'em is about as funny as the scotch 2nd XI. He's an abosolute joke
Re: Fiskem

He doesn't wreck us at all, he just fumes because he takes the homo remarks to heart. This is a biased opinion, hes posts are not comical at all, he is arrogant and thinks he runs everything on these forums, he can dish it out but cant take it.
Re: Fiskem

oh do u zapp? is he a big bad meany? well hav a cry like u wesley ********s do. i think you guys are the ones who cant take it by sayin all this ******** like "oh please stop payin us out ur makin us wesley puissies upset"
Re: Fiskem

You dont have to be a cry baby to be attacked by a bully. I'm pretty sure im not crying but you seem to know everything about everything so i'll leave it to you.
Re: Fiskem

Listen here u Wesley clowns, you command no respect. You come from a second rate private school that is renowned for taking on "people who are asked to leave" from schools like MGS, Scotch and Xavier. You will never be a truly elite school. Moreover, your cricket department is a joke.

Might i add that the universally recognised colour for gays is purple. Enough said.
Re: Fiskem

personally, i think fiskem is one of the best blokes to ever hurl a cricket ball down the pitch in anger or otherwise.

A genuine character, he wears his heart on his sleeve.
Not like the ****sticks snoop dog (sweet name u gimp) and zapper 9, who has played WESLEY, i repeat WESLEY 2nds. Obviously a complete **************
Re: Fiskem

This Fiskem chap sounds like quite the character/good bloke. But what would you expect from a youth from such an "elite" school? You wouldnt catch Fiskem wearing purple.
Re: Fiskem

R. Rout;208528 said:
This Fiskem chap sounds like quite the character/good bloke. But what would you expect from a youth from such an "elite" school? You wouldnt catch Fiskem wearing purple.

except when he has al's pecker in his hand
Re: Fiskem

right on davies. Get lost Rout you piece of trash. Your probs in there with Fistem and gaybreaker. By the way break's i think davies might be one of your people cos otherwise how would he know all about you. Someone's beating you from inside the walls of scotch
Re: Fiskem

R. Rout crawl back to the hole you came from! Adam davies you raise a very insightful point, and as zap pointed out there may very well be a rat within the ranks of SC.

otherwise AD you are a gagsman!
Re: Fiskem

im rating out zapp and snoop,
one of them played in the thirds on satday n the other just sat on the couch at home like a bum cos he cbf playin in the might turds..

haha seeya at school felles
Re: Fiskem

Hahaha mr carey, you are a clown, atleast i wasnt losing to the year 11s and 10s, seems like if i stop getting run out i will snag your spot in the 1s, hows your back by the way?
Re: Fiskem

First of all. Your filth. Every1 was over snoop and zapp's jokes(if you could call them that). Your a bit late. Second of all, Fiskem knew that we werent superstar cricketer's. It was one of his comebacks. third of all, your a dud. Word on the street is that you will also be playing in the deuces.
Re: Fiskem

wats this thread all about...fiskem being a top bloke i reckon, neway who are u fiskem, wat did u do against wesley in the praccy match??? im lookin foreward to playing u last round