Free Hit Rule


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Free Hit Rule

I quite like the free hit rule in the Twenty20 format. I would like it to be implemented in ODI's as well. It would also make the bowlers bowl less no balls and make the game exciting too.
What do you guys think?
Re: Free Hit Rule

Anything that makes bowler have to bowl better is a good idea but its doing too much for a batsman, i really cant decide if its right for the ODI game, i suppose they could give it a trial run. :D
Re: Free Hit Rule

It is a stupid rule. Lets penalise people for trying to bowl fast, that will encourage good cricket...not! There is already an extra ball and now you can't get out off it, how silly is that. Great for the crowds, but awful for the advancement of fast bowling.
Re: Free Hit Rule

How hard is it to keep your foot behind the line? Its in the rules so a punishment should be required i suppose.
Re: Free Hit Rule

Timed Out said:
How hard is it to keep your foot behind the line? Its in the rules so a punishment should be required i suppose.

It is hard sometimes when striving for pace or if you slip on landing. Surely the run and extra ball are enough punishment.
Re: Free Hit Rule

manee said:
It is hard sometimes when striving for pace or if you slip on landing. Surely the run and extra ball are enough punishment.

Exactly, fast bowling is hard enough without these batsmen-biased rules. It's okay in T20s because it well, that's the nature of this game, but no need to take it any further that this. Should be taken out of county cricket, discourages bowlers from bowling fast.

About bowling from further back, why? You are trying to bowl as quick as you can and this is best done when as close to the batsmen as possible.
Re: Free Hit Rule

I suppose it makes for a more "exciting," over maybe, and with the 50 over game in decline of popularity, something needs to be done. :eek:

I dont agree with it, but i can see why its there, plus, at the top level, these teams bowling 20 extras will really tighten up due to those extra deliveries.

But dont you feel bad for a bowler who uproots a stump on a free hit? Or a batsmen absolutly whallops it over the bowlers head into the Pavilion?
Re: Free Hit Rule

i like the free hit rule, sees some excitiemnet

maybe the bolwers should not bowl so many no balls? :lol:
Re: Free Hit Rule

Simbazz said:
But dont you feel bad for a bowler who uproots a stump on a free hit?

Not really, as if he was doing his job correctly in the first place he wouldn't have to bowl a 'free hit'.

I think it's a good idea if only to try to reduce the amount of no balls in the game. If you're an international cricketer you really shouldn't be bowling them in all honesty.
Re: Free Hit Rule

Yeah, 'exciting' is the buzz word.I don't see the free hit rule vanishing anytime soon from the 20-20s, but it might need some time to make it's way into the ODIs.Why can't we get a free hit for the wides too ? You bet I am excited about it,lol.Sometimes, it seems that we are being too tough on the bowlers with this format of the game ,but to tell you the truth,I'd argue that the batsman gets just one bat hit to be bowled or caught out while the bowlers can make a comeback even after being hit for a four or six ,doesn't matter if it's in the next over.So,having the bowler pay for his mistake isn't that unreasonable afterall.
Re: Free Hit Rule

cricket favours the batsmen too much.the bowler gets punishement for bowling no balls but giving a free hit too is very unfair becasue the batsmen know that they cant get out before the ball is bowled and take risk
Re: Free Hit Rule

Since the implementation of this rule the number of no balls bowled has decreased significantly. In the India-Australia series there were just 9 in 7 matches, only 7 were front foot no balls. Maybe the bowlers would be even more disciplined if they started giving free hits for wides too. :p
Re: Free Hit Rule

AB said:
Since the implementation of this rule the number of no balls bowled has decreased significantly. In the India-Australia series there were just 9 in 7 matches, only 7 were front foot no balls. Maybe the bowlers would be even more disciplined if they started giving free hits for wides too. :p

I don't think England bowled one front foot no ball!Which is a rarity to say the least!
Re: Free Hit Rule

i think it adds to the excitement and we are also seeing improvement from bowlers so its good. all teams have reduced no balls except pakistan who are always wayward. :p
Re: Free Hit Rule

The worry is that if the ICC see the free hit rule as being a success (reducing the number of no balls) they may also try to introduce it for wides.

This would be a bad thing as bowlers would be scared to stray away from a middle to middle and off line, giving easier pickings for the batting team.
Re: Free Hit Rule

They should not do that because it is stupid rule if they make it for wides. For no ball it is good but for wides it depends upon umpires because some are very strict but some allow little wide balls.
Re: Free Hit Rule

i think it makes the game more exciting.....nice rule i think it will be very successful.... i think only if ICC is very stupid then they will make this rule for wides too..