Front on


New Member
Front on

Would I be correct in saying that it is easier to be biomechanically be correct bowling fronton than it is bowling side on..

In my view front on is just plain and straight, running in and bowling because you are alredy set to bowl but with sideon you have to jump and twist your body etc. etc....ANd plus..afer you plant your back foot parallel to the crease and look out side your front still have to open your hips and chest so that may lead to problems if you get it wrong..

What are your views on front on safer than side on??

And also I was a side on bowler before I got an injury and i think that i'll change to front on, will this be difficult?? Is changing your action hard , got any advice to help me make the switch....?

A vid of me bowling side on is in my other thread in the bowling section.."back in action"
Re: Front on

I thought front on and side on had the same chance of injury, its just having a mixed action that gives people things like stress fractures and other stuff.
Re: Front on

You're right Jack... you can cause just a much injury front on; it is the mixed action that causes the problem, not the side on action and you can have a mixed action with either.

Having watched your video WBK, I do not think you will find it easy to change your action; it is far easier to change the top half of your body than the bottom half. My advice to you would be to work on correcting the side on technique.

It is a lot easier to get greater pace with a side on action. Front on actions rely a lot on the upper body strength; it puts a lot more stress on the rotator cuff and encourages hyperextension of the spine... not my favourite action :(