How can i become ripsnorta keeper?


New Member
How can i become ripsnorta keeper?

if theres any keepers out there, i wouldnt mind some help on stumping, i always tend to get too excited when i see someone out there crease and fumble the ball, probably just a confidence thing but i wouldnt mind some help with taking the ball cleanly.
Re: How can i become ripsnorta keeper?

Hi Riles,

I asked the same thing but haven't got much back so far, wicket keeping seems a hard skill to master.

I would say that a good starting point is the BBC skill pages, they really show the basics well.
Re: How can i become ripsnorta keeper?

RILES! said:
if theres any keepers out there, i wouldnt mind some help on stumping, i always tend to get too excited when i see someone out there crease and fumble the ball, probably just a confidence thing but i wouldnt mind some help with taking the ball cleanly.

If you post a video of you keeping perhaps in the nets, we might be able to help specifically. Just remember to wait for the ball and watch it into your hands.

The best drill for this is practice, practice, practice.
Re: How can i become ripsnorta keeper?

First things, how is your basic technique?

Is your stance correct, (knees bent, head up) and are you positioned just wide of off stump for a good view of the ball? It's also important to keep your weight on the front of your feet (the balls) so that you can move quickly in different directions.

Next you need to have a think about what you do when the ball is coming to you? Do you move in line with it or do you try to grab it at arms length?

A good tip is to move your feet to the ball in order to bring your body in line.

I would also add that when attempting a stumping, relax. Let the ball come on to you don't try to snatch it. Though you only have a small amount of reaction time, its far better to gather cleanly and get the balls whipped off than to miss the chance altogether.

As manee said it really is all about practice. Get someone to bowl and bat while you keep. Every so often get the batsman to walk slightly out of his crease while not playing a shot. Make it random to simulate a match scenario.
Re: How can i become ripsnorta keeper?

nice tips! im intersted in developing my keeping  as well because im not so good with the ball and dont enjoy bowling as much as keeping. my basic technique is fine i think as you say practice is the key.
Re: How can i become ripsnorta keeper?

yeah thanks for the help.
i think by basic tehnique is ok, so i spose its like u said, just a matter of practise.
Re: How can i become ripsnorta keeper?

I'd be interested in seeing your hand and feet positions too. A wide catching area with your hands together is vital and the position of your fingers, palms and feet all have a knock on effect on the size of this area.
Re: How can i become ripsnorta keeper?

as a Keeper i find the follwoing things help!

1. Relax
2. Keep everything you do smooth (avoid Snatching)
3. Assume eveyr ball will be the bat
4. Every Ball that does beat the bat practice the stumping movement, even if you dont touch the bails or stumps! it helps it become second nature.
5. if some one is standing out their crease i will always look at the Square leg umpire and get his attention, subtly! so hes aware that the guy is out his crease.

after many many hours of practice in the nets and games ive now got to the point of being able to stump very quickly, removing just one bail in a swift action...... and even practising stumping by hitting the stumps but not removing the bails!!!!

alot of it is practice! and more practice and then more practice!
Re: How can i become ripsnorta keeper?

i mean the bets thing to do is just keep your eys on the ball. the most stumpings youll find are when your playing spinners, and you jus have to be able to jundge the spin. when im keeping, if its off spin, ill put my gloves where the line of the ball is and if tis leg spin, i judge where its going. just practice i guess is what you gotta do.