legspin video

legspin video

after much difficulty i recorded this video of me bowling legspin
I know its bad but pls help and tell me is my action correct

is my wrist coming properly
am i coming side on
am i taking a proper jump

am i chucking the ball

how can i correct them

should i continue to bowl or stop

also my freinds tell me my action is lethargic or lazy action
can anyone plsssssssssssssssss help

Re: legspin video

Legspin is my life;355295 said:
after much difficulty i recorded this video of me bowling legspin
I know its bad but pls help and tell me is my action correct

is my wrist coming properly
am i coming side on
am i taking a proper jump

am i chucking the ball

how can i correct them

should i continue to bowl or stop

also my freinds tell me my action is lethargic or lazy action
can anyone plsssssssssssssssss help


Mate, did you see the comments both Macca and I posted re your video? Oh, and one other thing if you're looking at giving up on wrist spinning so readily and so early in your bowling development I reckon you should sit down and have real think about whether you're the right kind of person to be a Wrist Spinner? Wrist Spin takes full on committment and you need to be thinking in terms of years before you start to get things right unless you're a freak of nature.
your front hand should be tight its loose and everything is nice.nice bowling.where are you practicing,i see the nets in the video.where is this place
The first thing you need to tell us is what's happening to the ball! If you're bowling accurately and with good turn/dip/drift, then don't worry about your action.

If, on the other hand, it's going all over the shop...