Please use the blogs...


New Member
Please use the blogs...

This forum will be replaced by the blog tool. Unfortunately, we don't seem able to import your old posts. Enjoy!
Re: Please use the blogs...

Why can't we keep them here? We did the same on sC, but they weren't getting much publicity, so Tom opened up a forum for them. This way they got more publicity and feedback.
Re: Please use the blogs...

Looking at the blogs section on here, it seems to be similar to the old one on sC. No-one's posted there since last June, and there isn't much comment. The beauty of the Boundary chat is that comments are inline like posts and so it tends to get conversations going. Personally, I think it's one of the best parts of the site - it would be a shame to see it dissappear again.
Re: Please use the blogs...

The difference between the older blog software we had at sC and this one is that this one is more powerful. It's also possible to make it appear on the forum index so that it gets the same exposure as other forums. I think we are going to keep this forum though since the blogs couldn't be moved to the software.
Re: Please use the blogs...

Ok. Well people can use both or either. Hopefully we'll get some of you to start some interesteing blogs to feature on our homepage!