Walt told Eddie he was so glad Millie had found love. He also thanked his good friend for the extra troops and weapons, but above all that he was back to defend their homes they had worked so hard to build. Both knew it was only a matter of time before a larger contingent of Redcoats would march onto their property once again and that this time they would be more prepared and greater armed '' to put down those pesky rebels''. The five landholders had devised a strategy that if one was unable to hold off the Redcoats they were to flee to the adjoining property with their remaining man power, arms and specially ammunition to boost its defense. If the other four fell before Lowell Plantation then everything that could be salvaged was to to be transferred to it as the last bastion against the British and which already had 100 Southern militia and French troops, plus 15 cannon, 35 mortar and sufficient ammunition to hold out a siege for at least 10 days...
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The four Captains, three regular French and Captain George of the American Militia numbered 600 if at full strength. There had been casualties at the Neck.
Captain George's militia numbers, and the manors' had been bolstered by the 'Volunteers' mixed in all roles.

French Captain Ulysse spoke to Mr Lowell:
"I know they know the heart of our resistance is here at Lowell Manor mon amie Monsieur Lowell so I wish me and my weary company stay here with you, to defend yours and Eddie's manors. Your people love you and you have many Volunteers, Negros too obviously of their own volition. I will stand by you with your Captain George. My two comrade Captains Edouard and Leon with a Company each will help defend your neighbours' manors, small towns, roads, villages, whatever and your advice and stratagem are most welcome. They and I will adhere to it."
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Corporals Bonaparte and Milli along with her Simon and 3 other Militia horsemen, and ten French Cavaliers rode fast around the local surrounds, villages, towns, ... and to alert all that the British were coming. They chased off some 5 English Calvary with their numbers firing a volley of pistols at them. A horse got hit in its rump, slowed down and the rider was captured and questioned ineptly in broken English by Cpr. Bonaparte.
Milli was more concerned about tending to the horse's wound.

Bonaparte ascertained from the captured Redcoat Sergeant that Charles Town was surely about to surrender with such superior numbers and force against them. All the American ships and warships had been destroyed or captured. Three huge British ships of the line were constantly bombarding Charlestown with huge long range cannons as were the British cannons just north on the Peninsula, now in control of the Neck.
"You might as well surrender now you silly little french frog" spat the Englisher.
Bonaparte pistol whipped him breaking teeth and lip at that insult and had him hog tied naked to his wounded horse. He and also Milli interrogated him then as to how these approaching Redcoats would be coming.

Milli's feather trick did the job to howls of laughter.
Bonaparte handed Milli the musket grease with good brandy poured on it.

There was at least four Redcoat companies coming north into South Carolina. Each Company had four platoons of 35 men and cavarly each. With auxiliaries 150 per company and two Companies were headed towards Lowell Manor. Three hundred men, 80 on horse. The other two companies were to subdue the other manors, small towns, villages, ... and to establish bases... , ouch, .. like Lowell manor.

Milli shouted"Back to Lowell manor all. Simon, you and your brother Hugo, ride back to Lowell manor full speed with the news. We bring the Ass on his Horse"
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Having French Captains Ulysse , Edouard and Leon with a company of battle hardened troops each certainly lifted Walt and Eddies spirits after hearing of the huge British force heading their way. It was to be a last stand for the SCA plus militia forces in South Carolina and the last chance to stop the British returning their state to royal occupation. The stand was to go down in American history as the Battle of Lowell Platation.
By the end of that day in late April, 1780, Lowell and Marshall manors had 500 French and American able bodied defenders, 42 cannon, 98 mortars and ample stocks of amminition. ammunition. Most cannon and mortars had been secreted in the woods, others front and back of the manors. That evening scouts reported movement of men on foot and horse driven carts heading from the Shultz and Flahertry properties. Shortly after both land owners rode towards Lowell Manor to tell Walt that their respective properties had been overrun by Redcoats and that their men and weapons were now at his disposal....
Riding towards Lowell manor were Corporals Milli and Bonaparte, 12 horsemen and their captured angry Redcoat Sergeant hog tied naked to his wounded horse. Milli had removed the greased feather.

Taking back tracks they had to cross a major track when they saw a group of forty Dragoons in the distance who spotted them too and spurred their horses towards Milli's little squad.

Slapping their prisoner's horse's wounded rump it went galloping towards the Redcoats.
"Follow me" yelled Milli "ride hard!"
"Dépêchez-vous, dépêchez-vous!" (hurry, hurry) yelled Cpr Bonaparte to his ten French Cavaliers. He took the rear with his sabre drawn. Milli was up front leading the way through mazes of narrow tracks she knew from her childhood. Almost there, the main track to Lowell manor was close. Bursting out of the undergrowth Milli was confronted by columns of Redcoat troopers whose Captain ordered them to fire at will. Loaded muskets ripped into the the front of Milli's horsemen, horses and Cavaliers. It was carnage with horses and men falling riddled with musket balls, including Milli. She took seven shots with one through her forehead. She was dead before she hit the ground.

Five Cavaliers led by Cpr Bonaparte burst out with sabres slashing and hacking. Two more Cavaliers were shot dead and two more were wounded including Bonaparte himself. They broke free trampling over Redcoat troops. Bonaparte slashed open an officer's neck who was pointing a pistol at him without breaking stride. Shouting to his three men to hurry one was shot in the back at range. He stumbled, fell and died.

Galloping into Lowell's Rose garden with just two men, and only one unwounded he cried out in anguish and pain "They're coming, the Redcoats are coming, ...."
When Eddie and Walt heard of the death of Milli they both wept like children. Her body was laid in the manor's small chapel, time for a memorial after beating off the approaching Redcoats. The first volley from one of their cannon landed beside Lt Murphy and four of his men. All were killed instantly. When Wilt was told he only felt this was poetic justice as it was the Irishman's foolishness that had put his family in lethal danger. Walt did not want to admit it to himself but he had a mind to put a bullet into the head of the man himself, if he was not killed in battle.

From the roof of Lowell Manor, Walt put a spy glass to his eye and pointed it at the approaching British. He estimated their numbers at between 400 to 500 troops, 40 cavalry, 20 weapons carts and at least 40 cannon and mortars. He then noticed that about one company of Redcoats plus some 10 cavalry, 15 cannon/mortar plus 5 weapon carts veered off to the left towards the Harrison and Jackson properties.

At that moment another volley of cannon fire was heard with one ball doing no damage except to part of the rose garden while the second exploded among a group of American Militia, followed immediately by blood curdling screams...
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From the roof of Lowell Manor, Walt put a spy glass to his eye and pointed it at the approaching British. He estimated their numbers at between 400 to 500 troops, 40 cavalry, 20 weapons carts and at least 40 cannon and mortars. He then noticed that about one company of Redcoats plus some 10 cavalry, 15 cannon/mortar plus 5 weapon carts veered off to the left towards the Harrison and Jackson properties.
A concerned look came over Eddie's face and he turned to Walt and said "see, our howitzers are 30 yards short again. Do you see that Walt?" 'Not really' said Walt. "Nor moi" said Captain Leon directing the fire.
"Have a look through my telescope then" said Eddie " it was a gift from a drunken and loquacious Sir Zac Newtown."

Leon raised his eyebrows at the mention of the name and put the fine telescope to his eye.
Within a few heart beats Leon cried "Mon Dieu, c'est fantastique!

"Use Zac's scope Leon, better in your hands than mine. Blow them to bits for my Milli." Both Walt and French Cpt. Leon gave Eddie a hug.

Below French Captain Ulysse hearing that Redcoats hauling 5 carts of cannons and mortars, guarded by a squad of Dragoons along with a whole Company were marching towards the Jackson and Harrison properties ordered a French Cavalier Lieutentant Descarte with 33 mounted Cavaliers to, with volunteer guides, take the back tracks from behind Lowell manor to intercept, harry and destroy the armory headed towards the Harrison and Jackson manors. Descarte said "I think of them dead, therefore they are dead!" as he charged off with his Cavaliers.
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