What would you do with Munaf Patel?


What would you do with Munaf Patel?

You can post about fitness, nutrition or psychology here. The simple question is what would you do with Munaf Patel who some days bowls at 140kph and others at 125kph. He ceases up in the field after an over and on a psychology note, does not seem to want to bowl with venom even though it always provides him with greatest success.
Re: What would you do with Munaf Patel?

It's difficult to pick out a player, especially an elite level performer and say what's 'wrong' (for want of a better word).

Dealing with any player starts with analysing and testing though. First I would find out his current eating plan, fitness levels and program and the way he deals with certain situations.

Once we have that we would set a goal or goals and a time period to achieve them. These would be based on maintain strengths and bringing up weaknesses.
Re: What would you do with Munaf Patel?

manee said:
He ceases up in the field after an over and on a psychology note, does not seem to want to bowl with venom even though it always provides him with greatest success.

As David has said, it's difficult to make a judgement without first analysing the playing, but the bit above is more than likely linked.
Re: What would you do with Munaf Patel?

Send him over to england to play some county cricket and get him at a good county. He's cracking on his day but poor on others. Also his fielding does him no favours and throwing underarm from the boundary is frankly a disgrace. He needs to work on his fielding and his confidence. Get himself into a routine and get himself mentally 'right'.
Re: What would you do with Munaf Patel?

Timed Out said:
Also his fielding does him no favours and throwing underarm from the boundary is frankly a disgrace.

Lol, that no longer happens, Robin Singh has taught him to throw.