Wrist Pain

Wrist Pain

Hi Liz,
Couple of months back;
I had experienced a pain in my right wrist while playing a late cut.
After that I applied Ice for once in a few days and then wore a wrist support for few days.
After that the pain stopped and I was relieved.
Now from last few days: i am feeling the same pain again.
From the last few days the hand was not under stress causing any pain.
Even the weekend practice compromises of Spot bowling or knocking at a lower intensity.
Even the exercises are done without using any weights.
I have attached the photos for your further reference.
Please help and revert back for any more clarifications or details.

Please note; the left index finger is pointing to the pain area of my right wrist.
Re: Wrist Pain

No idea, but you possibly could of hypo-extended it, but I doubt the pain would be still there.
Re: Wrist Pain

It sounds very much like a wrist sprain Virender. If so, you have done all the right things.

Rest (Avoid using your injured wrist and hand),
Ice (Apply ice or a cold pack to the wrist for 15-20 minutes, 4 times a day for several days),
Compression (Wrap your wrist in an elastic support. This will limit swelling and support your wrist),
Elevation (Keep the injured wrist raised above the level of your heart for 48 hours such as up on a pillow. This will help drain fluid and reduce swelling)

and of course, ibuprofen. Have you been wearing a brace for cricket?

As the pain has come back, it may be wise to get it checked out. If the sprain is very severe, the wrist may need to be put in a cast for a week or so to aid healing.
Re: Wrist Pain

Hi Liz,
I will follow the R.I.C.E Procedure.
I have not used a brace for cricket.
Secondly;It would be diffcult to avoid using my right hand as I operate the computer keyboard and mouse in my office.
I will apply the Ice pack in my home.
The wrist support should be wrapped at night also.
Re: Wrist Pain

Keep the support on for a week; taking off only while washing, showering, bathing etc.

Try to use the mouse with your left hand. It feels strange at first but you get the hang of it quite quickly ;)
Re: Wrist Pain

The wrist is fine with less pain.
Should I massage it and how many days in a week?
Is deep tissue massage good on injured and recovering part of body.
Please advice.
Re: Wrist Pain

It depends on the stage and degree of the injury Virender.

If there is any inflammation and/or bruising, massage can cause further damage and internal bleeding.

If everything is mending well, then massage is great, especially sports massage. You could lightly massage this area yourself for say, 15 minutes a day to get the blood circulating.

As for deep tissue massage, you would have to go to a qualified practitioner to have this performed effectively. They are highly qualified to identify any contra indication, so if they are happy to do it, get it done. Once a month would be great.