Recent content by Bathilda Bagshot

  1. B

    HDCA Cricket Chat 2010/11

    Brett Pollard to coach
  2. B

    HDCA Cricket Chat 2010/11

    You "understanding" is clouded my friend i'm all for a bit of sledging and banter but Fatbolt crossed the line that day
  3. B

    HDCA Cricket Chat 2010/11

    "the level of behaviour is signifigantly higher in ECA"- Does this make Edinburgh ineligible? The manner in which Brad Shadbolt handled himself in front of Tony Tenuta in reference to Rick was nothing but disgusting
  4. B

    HDCA Cricket Chat 2010/11

    He would be one of the best in any club in the area, DV, HDCA or JIKA let alone just at Rosanna
  5. B

    HDCA Cricket Chat 2010/11

    Far out brussel sprout it is all quiet from Big Papa Niko recently where has he been!?
  6. B

    HDCA Cricket Chat 2010/11

    Edinburghs new major sponsor is Strepsils- "The sore throat experts". The deal was struck when the company realised they could provide plenty of lozenges at the conclusion of every year for the First XI due to the amount of choking, Strepsils has also signed on as minor sponsors for Rosebank and...
  7. B

    HDCA Cricket Chat 2010/11

    Nope, as clearly stated above Mark and Thomas have sought out the services of TALENTED players, they are not after a hack batsman who uses an orange woodworm
  8. B

    HDCA Cricket Chat 2010/11

    For those who cannot understand the CRYPTIC messages that have been laid before us from the man from Brunswick street - Matty Mac - Sam "Kevin 'Shifter' Sheehan" Sheehan
  9. B

    HDCA Cricket Chat 2010/11

    Mark D'Alessandro and Thomas Elmer to start a Hybrid club known as the Greville Road Goblins. Word is they will attack local players in an GWS/Gold Coast type assault, the players that they are targeting; - Gary Eyre Snr. - Sam Branigan - Stefan Vissar - Bathilda Bagshot - Peter Hodder -...
  10. B

    HDCA Cricket Chat 2010/11

    It seems Sannab2b has taken over the spokesperson role for Rosanna, what a splendid job he is doing highlighting the erotic orientaion of all of his fellow clubmen, i had some doubts about you blokes, but seeing what you have posted recently has only reinforced the opinion that you are all a...
  11. B

    HDCA Cricket Chat 2010/11

    I and my club will remain unknown but i have just recieved an email from Zumba Bedi from Rosebank wanting to come to one of the bigger clubs in Moneyshield seeing as though everyone in this forum knows everything about rosebank what does this kid play like
  12. B

    HDCA Cricket Chat 2010/11

    ALL HAIL GARY CARLTON AND PETER HODDER- The new Gods of the Diamond Valley Cricket Association. They are the men that will take our grand competition to a whole new level of greatness and shall be fed grapes into their mouths and have their feet massaged by anyone that dares defies them!
  13. B

    HDCA Cricket Chat 2010/11

    Such language, such emotion just such raw power coming from your posts i can almost feel the energy coming from your moniter onto my Android Mobile. Enough about me, where do you stand in the game of cricket, are you a good player in a "strong" (take note of the inverted commas) team or are you...
  14. B

    HDCA Cricket Chat 2010/11

    It is fantastic to see passion amongst these young lads about their competition, we could use some of this passion in our lower grades with you sub-standard clubs. The proof is in the sweet pudding and those clubs slowly halved in numbers because they tried conquering the might DVCA and were met...
  15. B

    HDCA Cricket Chat 2010/11

    Greensy and Mac were POWERHOUSES of your comp and they came to our comp where are they now? End of the day, if HCC, Rosebank, BCC and ECC are to come into OUR comp they should start at the lowest in a modified 3rd division and as the years progress move up the table- if they can.