Recent content by Crock of Sh*t

  1. C

    DVCA: Player movements and rumours

    That could be a good guess, but your way off the mark. It wont take long to work out who you are though.
  2. C

    DVCA: Player movements and rumours

    Oldtimerhere, not Dylan and i agree with you give the kid a go and good on greensy for taking the initive to reward the young bloke. Leftisbest I recommend you get of this site as I think you may have some serious law suits comeing your way with some of the propergander you write.
  3. C

    DVCA: Player movements and rumours

    Hey leftisbest, your nothing but a fkn wanka and by all accounts you must be a has been or a never been. to slag a young outstanding cricketer who is continually approached by not only Barclay shield teams but Premier and Sub district teams is a disgrace. tyo suggest that he was nearly sacked...
  4. C

    DVCA: Player movements and rumours

    Yeah good clubs and blokes, Rosanna are for many years felt like they controlled the HDCA just like St Frances.