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  1. D

    DVCA Juniors

    Re: DVCA Juniors i no that mate, im not baggin or trying to put down whittlesea and yes i no what they've been through, i realize all that and i dont mind who gets the points, i was just trying to see what the intelligent big cricketers out there thought, sorry.
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    DVCA Juniors

    Re: DVCA Juniors i no they've had a hard time, but now NEW are robbed of finals, i am speaking from a neutral perspective and i dont think that NEW should loose 6 points and a finals berth, it should be handled as a walkover.
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    DVCA Juniors

    Re: DVCA Juniors how did NEw not get the 6 points??? my advice to them, get someone onto the DVCA executive to sway decisions to help certain clubs...
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    DVCA Juniors

    Re: DVCA Juniors still gotta get em, a tons a ton, have u made one yet?
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    DVCA Juniors

    Re: DVCA Juniors dylan forster, he'll tell u its him, just ask him
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    DVCA Juniors

    Re: DVCA Juniors whack yourself in there for good measure. adam bowen, no way, definitely higgo
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    DVCA Juniors

    Re: DVCA Juniors thats not part of the deal lol, i enjoy fielding at deep third man though
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    DVCA Juniors

    Re: DVCA Juniors ok then, who is the captain there? i believe u i am just asking
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    DVCA Juniors

    Re: DVCA Juniors so u are dylan forster? u say all the teams u played in and who u beat and that u were at plenty. thats no way to keep a secret identity secret.
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    DVCA Juniors

    Re: DVCA Juniors confirming or denying your dylan forster? u shouldnt blab your stats
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    DVCA Juniors

    Re: DVCA Juniors spot on
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    DVCA Juniors

    Re: DVCA Juniors lucky you blokes, if we had of made it, you were no chanceeeee:cool: is "No Good at Cricket" dylan forster?? if u wanted it secret u probs shoudlnt have been saying ur stats.