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  1. Ghost Writer

    Gca Player Movements 2011/2012

    More news on the front of the GCA. Wow controversy runs rife within the GCA. Well even I can't believe this has happened but it has. It seems as though a very important GCA committee member may find himself in hot water at the next committee meeting after events proceeding in the last 2 weeks of...
  2. Ghost Writer

    Gca Player Movements 2011/2012

    News on the front of the GCA committee. A very interesting story came across my desk in recent days about a very prominent member of the GCA committee. It seems this member is using his position on the committee to bend the rules for his home club so to speak. This situation as I seem to...
  3. Ghost Writer

    Gca Player Movements 2011/2012

    As for Grovedale playing two imports in there First XI, Young is the import and I assume the other one you're talking about is Rominov? As far as I understand Rominov is a becoming a naturalised Australian as he's married an Australian girl so that would cancel him out as an import, see if that...
  4. Ghost Writer

    Gca Player Movements 2011/2012

    If anyone thinks I'm going to sink any club or anyone associated with what I've reported I hate to inform I won't. Clubs and people are anonymous for a reason. I realise by saying this it contradicts what I reported about earlier.
  5. Ghost Writer

    Rate GCA turf grunds 1-25 (Rate on Surface, Facilities, Wicket etc)

    This arguement on the ratings of ground in Geelong cricket could go on forever and a day, agree to disagree here but Kardina Park West (not St. Mary's football ground) is easily the best gound in Geelong, with the training facilities, clubrooms and changerooms and not to mention the new...
  6. Ghost Writer

    Gca Player Movements 2011/2012

    News on the front of the GCA committee. There is still calls next season to see a replacement of the president of the GCA or movement of the association headquarters. This comes on the back of talks of a 'no confidence' in the committee as again the president of the committee plays for the club...
  7. Ghost Writer

    Racism In Cricket

    On the issue of the Racism allegations that arose from the Leopold vs Lara GCA Div. 1 Clash. I have personally heard what comments were exchanged between the players during the forementioned game. Lets just say that the Lara player in question who is alledged to have made the racist comments...
  8. Ghost Writer

    Gca Player Movements 2011/2012

    Big News from GCA committee. Next season, being season 2012/2013 current GCA president Grant Dew will be asked to stand down from his role as well as GCA headquarters will be moved from East Belmont Cricket Club to a neutral location (possibly Sports House at Kardinia Park or another cricket...