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  1. R

    Is There An Agreement That Australia Must Bat First In Odi's ?

    I realise that Australia usually bat first if they win the toss but they have not won the toss each time.If they lose the toss they still get to bat first as they are put in first. Why bother having a toss, it's a waste of time as there seems to be an agreement that Australia MUST bat first. I...
  2. R

    Is There An Agreement That Australia Must Bat First In Odi's ?

    Australia bat first yet again today. It is now 9 out of 9 for ODI's and T20 this season. I rest my case.
  3. R

    Is There An Agreement That Australia Must Bat First In Odi's ?

    I see Australia has batted first yet again in today's ODI against Sri Lanka. Why is is that no matter who wins the toss Austalia bats first? In every ODI and T 20 that has been the case this season (8 out of 8 ). I believe there must be an agreement that Australia bats first to provide...