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  1. P

    Senior Division 13/14

    El presidente here . me and bad back Ion have everything ready for tomorrow. We have had to pay Turner to turn up and were worried about taylor eating all the chickens . Is there any better president out there than me . I should have my own thread . Go bluc
  2. P

    Senior Division 13/14

    Well singa I'm in charge now and the place will never be the same again . Gone from a whinging pom to a midget now to me and I'm the best thing since sliced bread ... go bluc
  3. P

    Senior Division 13/14

    3 time premiership player gets what he wants . I'm happy to hear you have stopped brushing your teeth with chocolate licorice . 4 wins from four yesterday and two out rights. look out the yccc train is coming toooooooooot toooooooooot . If I'm not the best...
  4. P

    Senior Division 13/14

    Right. it's the present here. I've put a social media ban on the boys so there will be no more nonsense from them. Look out for Turner and trolli , past players I have no control over. Go bulc