Feedback on Action


New Member
Feedback on Action

Hi Guys,

I am posting a video of my action here. I am the lefty in white t-shirt, who appears at the start and end of the video. The video is not very high quality, but this is all I got :(. I would appreciate any feedback about the action! I can swing the ball in (natural inswing), but I am not very happy about my pace. With my built I expect to generate some more pace. Please advise. Thank you! Also any specific exercises I should do.I usually do 3 sessions per week of gymming... concentrating on all body parts, and power exercises (spot jump, box jump, jump lunges and such).

YouTube - Purdue Cricket Practice
Re: Feedback on Action

Hi keep_walking. Welcome to the site.

Unfortunately, it is impossible to give any real comment on your video. TBH, it really is not easy to watch.

If it is possible to get another shot, could you 'fix' the camera. To give you a proper analysis, one from the rear/front view and one from the side would be great. The rear view would help with any opinion on the run up and, coupled with the side view, we could get a real idea of the action. Unfortunately, the video you have at the moment moves too much and does not give a complete view of the action.