Gray Nicolls - XXX2


New Member
Gray Nicolls - XXX2

This bat is sweeeeet. solid piece of wood, huge middle and light when compared to the power you get with your shots. almost guaranteed to make your teammates jealous (as i know from experience)nuff said. the only downside, a rather large downside when you think about it, it can only be bought at one store in the world-Meulemans(URL is in Western Australia. but it is great value for money and will last many a season :) :)
Re: Gray Nicolls - XXX2

wow it looks good. the middle of the bat is really big. whats the weight like? why is it avaliable at only one store, did you get it custom made?
Re: Gray Nicolls - XXX2

deer said:
wow it looks good. the middle of the bat is really big. whats the weight like? why is it avaliable at only one store, did you get it custom made?
its actually quite light. the one i have is 2.8 lbs i think, something like that. and the guy that makes it owns the store. he designs bats for gray nicolls
Re: Gray Nicolls - XXX2

jimmy33 said:
its actually quite light. the one i have is 2.8 lbs i think, something like that. and the guy that makes it owns the store. he designs bats for gray nicolls
Can u check from him wether this bat is available in Mumbai,India.
Re: Gray Nicolls - XXX2

dont think you will get it in india. its only avaliable at one store unless you want to import it.
the bat seems to be pretty good. the cost is a bit high but i think its worth it.
Re: Gray Nicolls - XXX2

i tend to agree, i dont think its available in mumbai unless you order it. and it is a great bat with lots of ping and large sweet spot but it doesnt comprimise on quality, so it will last a long time