If you were an Australian Selector, what would you do if...

Re: If you were an Australian Selector, what would you do if...

Shane Watson deserves a place in the test squad on current form.

He also appears to be bowling at a level required to be a 5th bowler at test level, not that pie thrower medium stuff he was bowling in the ashes.
Re: If you were an Australian Selector, what would you do if...

I agree with the Shane Watson thing LtD. I have always thought of him as a better bowler anyway judging on his performances for QLD. I am even willing to go out on a limb and play him as the fourth bowler against the Windies, with him as the second all rounder with North in their too, dropping one bowling spot.

As for you eddie, how could you call Jaques a dud? Evidence please?
Re: If you were an Australian Selector, what would you do if...

If you were an Australian Selector, what would you do if Andrew Symonds suddenly rejoined Queensland and showed huge form?

Remember to take into account that Hilditch has said his international career isn't over, but his reputation and his form has been damaged as a result, leaving it unlikely that he would play again.

This is form in all three forms of the game that he is theoretically having.
Re: If you were an Australian Selector, what would you do if...

Symo's career is over, from what I gather Symo is only going to play in the T20 stuff.

Symonds has always been a bit of a loose cannon, I remember Brendon Nash came to our school many years ago, before Symo was an established star in the Aussie team, and some of the stories told about symo just defied belief.
Re: If you were an Australian Selector, what would you do if...

LIONS then DAYLIGHT;371225 said:
Symo's career is over, from what I gather Symo is only going to play in the T20 stuff.

Symonds has always been a bit of a loose cannon, I remember Brendon Nash came to our school many years ago, before Symo was an established star in the Aussie team, and some of the stories told about symo just defied belief.

Saying that, only a couple of weeks ago Queensland offered him the chance to be a walk in player in any form of the game for them. He has accepted the T20s, and is looking into the others.

He hasn't a full contract so would be paid on a game by game basis, but for next season The Bulls have already offered him one.

They are keen to let him play, and Hilditch said if he hadn't have had that drink he would have been playing in the Ashes.

I don't think Roy wants to play for the team again anyway, he said if a man cannot go down to the pub and watch a game of footy, then what is the world coming to?

Personally I think, why does it matter? He is a cricketer, lets follow his cricketing career. Who cares if he is a binge drinker, he plays good cricket. I know he is a good guy, its only the grog that lets him down. He is a very decent person, so calling him anything else is just a offence to him.

Let's say he also gets away from the alcohol and concentrates on cricket.

What happens if he gets another 200 with 16 sixes? What if he averages another 60 for a season? He is the best T20 player ever, and probably close to that for ODIs. Can the selectors look past that?
Re: If you were an Australian Selector, what would you do if...

Symonds only has himself to blame about not being able to go to the pub, people probably pester him because in the past he has been in a few incidents and he is seen as someone that could just snap.
Re: If you were an Australian Selector, what would you do if...

What about his ton on the MCG in the 06/07 boxing day test, even better was his glorious six off slopster to bring up one of the greatest tons of all time.
Re: If you were an Australian Selector, what would you do if...

Until he gets his eye back, he's an easy wicket. But the team needs stability so I would have him back anyday, the Queensland side that is.

I would say the only reason he would not go back into the side would be because of his age. He has shown so far that the alcohol fueled incidents have died down, haven't heard of one since before the Ashes.

He is 35 this year, so age is the only thing in my mind why I wouldn't have him back if he goes good again.
Re: If you were an Australian Selector, what would you do if...

There's no point playing Symonds in the test team again, but if his domestic form was hot, he was off the piss (mostly) and the team was happy, he should be in the one day and T20 national teams.

Imagine if Symo and Cam White got together in a T20 game and started teeing off....
Re: If you were an Australian Selector, what would you do if...

courtjester;371903 said:
There's no point playing Symonds in the test team again, but if his domestic form was hot, he was off the piss (mostly) and the team was happy, he should be in the one day and T20 national teams.

Imagine if Symo and Cam White got together in a T20 game and started teeing off....

I agree there.

I no longer like him as much as I did in the past, but that doesn't make him any less of a player.

It's what he does on field that counts for me. The only time I would care about his off field habits would be if he's a peadophile, which I'm hoping he isn't. Doesn't every other Australian get drunk every few weeks? He turned up with no shoes and a cowboy hat, completely sober mind you, to a meeting with the then CEO. Shows you what the no bullshit Symonds thinks of those meetings...

Now in theory what I'm saying, is that if he is off the alcohol completely, acting like an adult and scoring runs and getting wickets, is he too old to bring back into the team? Say he's 36 when this happens.

Not too old for ODI and T20 I'm thinking. He's too much of a talent in my mind.