left arm around
OCCA gone?? I know who will be lucky to stay in Money Shield, let alone survive. what did someone say about mearging! Their
juniors are terrible, should of been relegated two years in a row.
If Stix goes, no great loss his days are over as a topliner as we saw in the granny. Berger boys have sights on much bigger fish, shopping list starting to really get big. I hear they are offering huge $$$$ to X district players, and imports.
this post clearly states just how stupid you are
why won't we survive? Occa is a very good player but just because 1 player might move doesnt mean a club would look into merging. stupid comment and dont get me started on our juniors
who are heidelberg shopping after? im guessing its just another thing you have decided to make up
what is your problem with banyule and heidelberg?