Dvca, Nmca And Hdca To Merge

Which Association Clubs will benefit the most from this merger

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Could be debatable. Macleod finished in top 4 the year they left HDCA, and took them 4 years to get to Barclay. Greensborough in a similar position still can't crack it into Barclay. Money Shield is at its strongest ever right now, ( you rarely see an outright defeat in Money anymore ). The sides like Heidelberg, Rosebank, Rosanna, and Banyule would probably be able to compete at Barclay Level, it's just getting there which is the hard part. And when you throw them all into one comp at Money Shield level, it's makes promotion even harder. If this doesn't make any sense, I will attempt to clarify again.

Don't disagree with the clubs that you mention but simply can't entertain the Rosebank thing. Way too far out of the local comp for them to be involved.
We let two sides in last year, and nobody is kicking up a major stink.
There will be some merging and folding of clubs, with or with out the merger, so allowing 2 or 3 sides in will be fine. And if they are the stronger clubs, both on and off field, then that will better the current DVCA.

Agree, grow the DVCA but don't destroy it by disabandoning it.
Some good points -
DVCA board did take a while to make a decision re the 4 pce balls, due to involving all clubs boards and allowing people to have a say. It is not a monarchy, people can have their say.
A one day comp should happen, but not to benefit the 20 year olds, should be to allow the older blokes to play and young kids can play 80 over cricket at a higher level and develop, surely the demise of the Test side has shown that young players need more than ever to learn the value of a good long innings.
Point in red - what if the comps lowest ranked sides finish 1,2,3 and 5 out of 12 teams, you are saying we should relegate a side finishing just outside the finals. Think some more on this!!

Not the DVCA board's decision on 4 pce but the Clubs
I purely and simply do not want the merger to go ahead. I am the same as CowCorner, I cannot see one benefit in the whole merger for DVCA. There may be benefits for other comps, but in the words of the great Malcolm Blight "I couldn't give a rats toss bag"' what benefits them. I only care about the best interests for the DVCA.

And besides, I have really enjoyed the fact that gone are the days where you didn't have to put your valuables in a bag, lock them in a safe, then put them in a boot of a car that has the best car alarm,for fear it would get stolen, because we all pretty much know and trust each other from years of playing each other. Having more teams out past plenty road will only enforce these safety measures again.

Then again..... Snowy is back in the DVCA :eek:

The real problem is the Gypsies. While the NMCA players were going about their business winning both A gde and B gde comp games - the gypsies were planning to steal the DVCA children.
Why do I get the feeling that stoneformer is that annoying kid in the playground that no one wants to play with?
Why do I get the feeling that stoneformer is that annoying kid in the playground that no one wants to play with?

Agree, but would use stronger lanuage. His comments show very little understand of the DVCA but do indicate that he is in fact a tool. Those who are in the DVCA like the DVCA, and if those outside of the DVCA are so critical of the way its run then why would they want to merge with us.

Who cares who won the DVCA v NMCA games, really who cares? Which kids pathways to higher grade cricket are blocked by the current system? Will joining 3 comps with similar challenges lead to a better competition, how could it?

The whole DVCA, HDCA, NMCA meger discussion is a conspiracy by Big Cricket to get people back onto the site.
Why wouldn't the 3 comps combine together and create a Super/Premiers division. Those clubs that consider themselves to be the biggest, baddest, best clubs could play in that division, and truely claim to be the best. Those who aren't interested in travel stay in the lower divisions and play either in a North, Central or Southern division. Maybe even a Western division could be run, if there is enough clubs to fill these spots. That way the lower levels get to play "Locally" and not travel too far. Seems like a no brainer to me. If people haven't noticed, the great game of cricket is in decline, just compare the numbers from now, to say, 10 years ago, across all 3 comps. Its like a doodle in cold water!!!!!!!
Enough of the petty digressions.
The media release did not say a lot but it did say this :-

"The Regional Executive wishes to assure all clubs, both big and small that a combined league in addition to providing a level of cricket that will challenge our elite cricketers will also cater for cricketers of all ages and abilities with a strong focus on geographical zoning at lower grade and junior levels" .

Travel has already been considered but the steering committees have a challenge to answer a load of tough questions. The game is in decline and new ideas are required. This is a "big picture" plan that would set up the region for decades. There is no rush but there is no harm in exploring options either. Negative, conservative and parochial commentary is premature. Let's see what they come up with.
Enough of the petty digressions.
The media release did not say a lot but it did say this :-

"The Regional Executive wishes to assure all clubs, both big and small that a combined league in addition to providing a level of cricket that will challenge our elite cricketers will also cater for cricketers of all ages and abilities with a strong focus on geographical zoning at lower grade and junior levels" .

Travel has already been considered but the steering committees have a challenge to answer a load of tough questions. The game is in decline and new ideas are required. This is a "big picture" plan that would set up the region for decades. There is no rush but there is no harm in exploring options either. Negative, conservative and parochial commentary is premature. Let's see what they come up with.

Why do you think it is premature ? We are merely voicing our opinions from a DVCA perspective. Go onto the NMCA and HDCA boards and come back to us and tell us what their thoughts are on this, cause I can guarantee you no one from those comps any really care. How many clubs have left the DVCA to go to NMCA or HDCA ? Wouldn't be many because they know that the DVCA is the best competition in the district. DO you think we are peeved ? Absolutely !!
Why wouldn't the 3 comps combine together and create a Super/Premiers division. Those clubs that consider themselves to be the biggest, baddest, best clubs could play in that division, and truely claim to be the best. Those who aren't interested in travel stay in the lower divisions and play either in a North, Central or Southern division. Maybe even a Western division could be run, if there is enough clubs to fill these spots. That way the lower levels get to play "Locally" and not travel too far. Seems like a no brainer to me. If people haven't noticed, the great game of cricket is in decline, just compare the numbers from now, to say, 10 years ago, across all 3 comps. Its like a doodle in cold water!!!!!!!

Is it really true that the DVCA is in decline? In the 80's I reckon most clubs probably had on average 6 junior teams. I don't know for sure but I reckon some clubs like LP or NEW have 10 or more junior teams these days. The clubs that run their junior program well get the kids. In seniors we even have "I" Grade. I actually think the DVCA is in good shape. I don't mean to sound insensitive, but if the NMCA or HDCA are struggling, it's not our problem, who cares?
Add South Morang to those 2 clubs. Now check how many clubs have 2 junior sides or less. Its cricket in general across the board, including all 3 comps. How many clubs are filling their lowest or bottom 2 sides full of juniors to field the teams????
C'mon everyone, let's see someone nominate to go on the working party to look at how this can/can't work.
I think it is worth looking at, but a very long way to go before we can implement a big change. I think we need to look at how we (the Clubs) involve younger <12 and older >16 year olds in cricket at club level - are we making it inviting for the parents to get involved as well?
As was raised at last weeks delegates meeting - there are 33 less junior teams than last season - why? This would be a great starting point, and something our Club is looking at now!
Yes we have a number of junior teams, but two are merged with Bundoora to ensure we are both able to give our kids a game of cricket each week (weather permitting of course!) This would not have happened many years ago, but Clubs are realising that the future is ours to set up - so let's do it!
Based on what I know I dont like it, see previous posts. I'm a supporter of the executive and due process, and you are right it is a direction worth exploring for the exec, thats what they are there for - Craig Vaughan BCC
But also for the member Clubs to involved in? I have no view either way, just happy we are looking into it.
As was raised at last weeks delegates meeting - there are 33 less junior teams than last season - why? This would be a great starting point, and something our Club is looking at now!
Sorry Wobbles but can you please explain how the merger of the three Assocs is going to arrest this drop off in junior ranks? Cricket is and always has been a fly by the seat of your pants sport. Enter Lillee and Thompson and it roared. Enter Warnie and all the kids wanted to do was bowl leggies. Now Aussies are not travelling too well we hear that the game is struggling. And how is your Club looking at the starting point? As you will appreciate from experience, Clubs like Aussie cricket have their ups and downs at the moment LP are travelling well by accounts, next year?
Maybe CV has looked at what will the HDCA and Jika be like in 2030. How many of their clubs will be able to survive with a small population growth and maybe an ageing population in the inner suburbs with most young families having to move out to new estates coz the inner suburbs land prices will be too expensive. Is it better to let these competions die out or maybe join them together with a strong DVCA. I still think clubs will disappear or merge but maybe the new entity will combine all the good ideas from each comp to form a super comp and make it the strongest suburban league in Melbourne. Membership must include each club having Intocricket programs. no kids no future. However the loss of kids to cricket may mean some radical moves to keep them interested. The kids in the top teams always seem to keep their love for the sport and could play the game in a traditional manner but most kids hate the fact that they don't get enough batting, bowling and total games of cricket in general. They hate fielding for too long and find it the more boring pastime of the game. Maybe 20/20s midweek( instead of a training night ) could solve this problem. Perhaps a standard season with 6 20/20s thrown in and each player must bat and bowl equally. Greensborough juniors had suggested to the HDCA 3 years ago to run an U17 20/20 carnival down at Chelesworth pk, Ivanhoe with teams playing on all 5 grounds with jumping castles for milo kids and bbqs and publicise the event to make it a real family day but it never went ahead. Maybe a day like this could succeed if it was organised by a bigger Northern region competition run by a proffessional board(CV can help with funding) instead of the smaller HDCA which has a handfull of workers running the comp but may find something like this too hard to organise. Thoughts?
As was raised at last weeks delegates meeting - there are 33 less junior teams than last season - why?

It will be a combination of a few things:

How hard clubs/committee's work to attract kids,

The changing demographic in certain areas,

Cricket is a game were a kid can play for 3 hours and might be involved in the play for 2 minutes. It is not really appealing.