

New Member

Well the problem is i bat around number 4 and i go out to keep our better batsman on strike cause i am a good defensive player thanx to my new grip that people help me with... Today i managed to get 24 not out. The problem was once all the better batsman got out all i was pretty much doing was blocking. i only hit one four and was out there for 1h 40mins. When i try to play over the top and it doesnt carry and i get dropped. I need to learn to play more attacking shots. Can you please help....
Re: Attacking

I kinda have the same problem, as well. I go in with a defensive mind-set and I struggle to hit gaps and turn the strike over. I sometimes can get a few singles away but I never have a high strike rate.
Re: Attacking

Yep I sound like your clone Chew. I just hold up one end and just hit the gaps for singles. I usually use soft hands and push the ball through the covers. I struggle badly to hit fours or any big hits.
Re: Attacking


Thats all I can say.

Find the ball you like hitting the best, wether it be short (pull) full (drive and drive hard) leg side (glance) or off stump (late cut, cover drive)

Wait for that delivery and punish it.

Defence is so important but turning the strike over is equally as important. Seems you have the defensive technique but are worried about attacking.

Believe me lads once you find your attacking shot, no bowler will be safe. but practice it at training. It may cause a little grief at first but wasnt doesnt kill you makes you stronger.

I know, my season avg batting at 4 was 14. I knuckled down (admittedly bought a new Gray Nich) and my average went to 34.

Good luck.
Re: Attacking

It's fair to say that it comes down to a number of factors. Firstly, you don't come across as being much older than 16/17, so age is a factor. As you get older you'll get stronger which will help things.

Then there is the mental side of things, at the moment you're mentally playing the defensive foil, rather than the swashbuckler, scoring at 5 an over. The key is to think positive and be confident. However, don't get too bogged with wanting to hit 4's and 6's. 6 singles in an over can be more 'attacking' than a boundary, simply because it shows that you're on top of the bowling and you're able to do what you please with it.

If you can't hit the ball over the top, then don't. Learn to steer the ball into gaps and run the first hard, looking for a second. Practice this in training - I mean really practice it and you'll reap the rewards. The difference between an average bat and a great bat is that the great bat can score runs in a number of different ways, if you master the art of rotating the strike, it'll take a decent bowler to actually tie you down.

Lastly, as bigman says, work out where your strengths lie and and work on them. It's no good trying to play a pull shot if your crap at it, find the shots that work for you and really practice them. Once you have 6 or 7 in your arsenal, then you can look to add others.
Re: Attacking

Thanx Big Man and mas, i am only 12 and playing u 15s at the moment so that would probably be why. i will be practicing in the nets alot cause i have strained some muscle in my back from bowling so wont be able to bowl for two weeks... Thankyou so much anyway.. Am looking to do a bit of sock cricket over the next couple of days. probably wont help but it will help me with something...
Re: Attacking


Mate you doing it the right way then.

You're developing a great defence that will be vital to your development in the future. You'll need a defence when the better bowlers come on when you're older.

The attacking part of the game will come son, just be patient. :)
Re: Attacking

If you're twelve and you're playing u15s don't worry to much about not being able to hit it over the top. You'll get more power as you get older.
Re: Attacking

Hey, this bloke we were bowling at today played pretty much how you described, he spent most of his time blocking. Thing is, by the time he got out (to me :)) he had got 82 to his name, and I swear he hit like four 4's. So don't worry about finding the boundary at your age, just learn to turn the strike over and picking the gaps.

Good luck mate
Re: Attacking

As all said above.

The reason you may not be able to get boundaries may be due to your strength to bowlers speed ratio. It is much easier to power a four off a spinner than a paceman, and some paceman are just too quick for your strength that you cannot power a four off them, In this case, you need to try to use the pace of the ball.

Easier said than done, especially at your age.
Re: Attacking

Finding the gaps is a great bit of advice. Playing tip and run can keep the board ticking while you wait for the rank long hop.