Bowling in-consistently


New Member
Bowling in-consistently

OK, after today's game (we lost by 26-odd runs) I think my main problem is bowling in-consistently.

By that I mean I might bowl 3 deliveries that pitch with good line and length, but every 4th ball or so will just go hay-wire, as in it might go wide down leg/off or just go straight at the batsman's head.

I bowl right arm pace over the wicket. I'm tall (185cm), and by being taught how to use my height more effectively, I have picked up extra pace. I have a short run-up (5-7 steps) and start with both feet together and lead the run-up with my left foot.

No matter what I do, where I look, what I adjust, every 3-4th delivery will just go bad.

Is there something that I can do differently? or does this sort of thing come from lots and lots of practice?

On a side note, I claimed my first wicked today! (coincidentally with a hay-wire ball). Started bowling at the batsmen nice and tight, keeping him to blocks and edges which he picked up singles off. Decided to give him a bit of width outside off to see if I could tempt a shot. A little bit of width turned into a delivery that barely bounced on the pitch, which he swung at, and skied to mid-off.
Re: Bowling in-consistently

congrats on your first wicket, was this your first game how old are you(what grade cricket), it could be a number of things, your arm not coming down straight your follow through could be a bit messed up, but holla mii back with the info:)
Re: Bowling in-consistently

Thanks bboy, though I do feel like a bit of a hack under the circumstances, considering the ball I bowled :rolleyes:

I'm 17, I'm playing in my clubs C grade team. The competition is a senior one with three grades (A,B and C)

It was my third game with this club, but I have played with the school and a youth club, but its my first season in about 4 years. When I said my first wicket, I meant with this club.

I have been told that my follow through needs improving, but at the moment I'm just focusing on my action and run up.
Re: Bowling in-consistently

possibly a reason why your a little rusty with your bowling, if havent regularly been bowling over the year you werent playing then there would b a lot you need to work on, get the more experienced players in your team to help you out i would help you further but i would need to see your bowling for myself, but stick with what feels comfortable i am my teams opening bowler and the most important thing is you dont loose your 'cool' try anything to get a wicket.
Re: Bowling in-consistently

Firstly, the solution is gnerally to practice, practice and then practice some more. Very few people can rock up and bowl 99/100 balls in the same place without putting in hours of practice before hand.

Secondly, get someone to spot you when bowling. Are you falling away or crumpling around the leg which means you drag the ball down leg and so on. Unless you know why it's going wrong, it's hard to correct it.

Lastly, practice bowling the correct lines. Mark up a pitch with tape or cones and aim to bowl in the channels. Use a stump cut in half as a '4th' stump just outside off to you give something to aim for. Some people also put something square on the top of off stump to further give something to aim for.

Tried to give two illustrations below to give you an idea of what I mean. First shows a taped/coned off wicket to provide a channel. The second shows the use of a 4th stump.

Re: Bowling in-consistently

Mas is right, grab a few balls and practice. I had the same problem and the only way i stopped doing it was going in the net putting an A4 piece of paper down and telling myself "hit it 5 time out of 10", and then i made it harder for myself etc etc until it was nearly every time,,,, but dnt try bowl fast just make sure you follow through straight and have your run up smooth and rythmic
Re: Bowling in-consistently

Thanks for all the tips, much appreciated.

What bboy said about losing my cool is something that I need to fix and fast! If I bowl a few bad balls in a game, I get frustrated and get worse, thats the reason I went for 0-23 off 2 overs in my first game!

Practice is no problem, as school nets are 5mins walk away so I might spend 45 minutes every evening there and hopefully things will improve.

I like the idea of the channel and forth stump as a way of improving line. I will also give the A4 sheet of paper and giving myself challenges exercise a go.

I'll be sure to report back.
Re: Bowling in-consistently

Whos_asking99;379168 said:
What bboy said about losing my cool is something that I need to fix and fast!

Control the controllable, don't worry about anything else. Don't worry about the batsman or the umpires or anything like that. Focus on your job and what you are going to do next.

If you get hit for a boundary, forget about it and concentrate on the next ball. If you bowl down leg then forget it - what has happened has happened.
Re: Bowling in-consistently

I always got told by an ex lancs captain to never talk to the umpire about cricket, that way as you walk back to your mark you forget the last ball- whether it had been the best ball ever or the worst, too much confidence when your an amateur is as bad as no confidence..... and to become slightly fixiated with a point on the ball, a bit of damaged seam etc right until you look at the spot you want it to land, that way you never need to look at the batsmen if you feel he is becoming dominative or if your intimidated.
Re: Bowling in-consistently

I know its been a while since I last posted, been busy.

But anyway, I have taken alot of what has been said on board, and made lots of effort to ensure that I dont lose my cool after a bad ball, and it has made a massive improvement to my bowling.

2 games back wasnt all that great, started off bowling nice tight bowling with minimal runs scored, however the batsmen started having a hit, ended up going 0-43 off 6.

Last game I just concentrated on line and length, bowled 1-13 off 6 with 2 wides, which I am very pleased with.
Re: Bowling in-consistently

It will take time - that is where the practice element comes in. The main thing is that you're sticking at it. Also, remember that you will have good games as well as bad ones.
Re: Bowling in-consistently

phil2oo8;379176 said:
I always got told by an ex lancs captain to never talk to the umpire about cricket, that way as you walk back to your mark you forget the last ball- whether it had been the best ball ever or the worst, too much confidence when your an amateur is as bad as no confidence..... and to become slightly fixiated with a point on the ball, a bit of damaged seam etc right until you look at the spot you want it to land, that way you never need to look at the batsmen if you feel he is becoming dominative or if your intimidated.

Actually it might be weird but i find it helps me to talk to the umpy and find out what he uses as indicators how leniant he is on LBW's and just about the game, it helps me relax a bit. In the end I bowl alot better when I'm relaxed and freely moving. I also have a wicket-keeper who is a complete idiot and wouldn't know encouragement if him bit him on the ass. so just remember to do the things you know you can...and don't listen to discouragement and focus on the positive...
Re: Bowling in-consistently

Course I'm sticking with it Mas...not one to give up! ;)

I'm kind of the same, T.A Offspinner, I find having a chat to the umpy, not so much during the over, but at the start as the field is being set, can be an effective way of settling nerves...but each to their own. Quite lucky to have a team that is always encouraging and backing up the bowlers in the field.