Christmas food:What not to eat!


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Christmas food:What not to eat!

Christmas is coming up and the temptation to indulge in unhealthy foods is high!Any ideas on what to stay away from?Turkeys good so i guess that's one bit of the meal on the plate!One that's baffling me is parsnips, they taste like they should be unhealthy(if you know what i mean!) but are they?Give lists on what to eat and what to stay away from!
Re: Christmas food:What not to eat!

If it's veg then it has to be good? I never used to like parsnips but as I've gotten older I've grown to like the taste - must be my taste buds developing.

Personally, I'd have to say that one day of indulgence won't be a major issue, it's when you do it day after day that it adds up. I'm sure it has an effect on some top level athletes but something tells me that cricketers can probably get away with it.