Controlling new ball swing


New Member
Controlling new ball swing

I am the captain of the team and my new ball bowler is straying down the leg side with the new ball. What is the best piece of advice for him? He is a natural inwing bowler and he bowled a lot of leg side wides in the previous game. He is a wicket taking bowler if he gets his line correct.
Re: Controlling new ball swing

If it is late swing, perhaps he should really look to concentrate to aim as Waqar Younis puts it "at fifth and sixth stump" so that the swing will take it into the stumps. If the swing is early, then perhaps it would be best to get him to try and go simply wider of the crease.

To negate swing though, hold the ball with a cross seam or better yet; place the fingers slightly across a straight seam, go closer to the stumps and look to take the ball away from the right hander. Bowling a shorter or very full length may also create a stronger wrist position which would negate the leg side issue.

Why do you think he swings it in? Is he very open chested at delivery and so has to push it with his wrist, is it simply a release issue or something else?
Re: Controlling new ball swing

Also, get him to rotate the ball a little in the hand, this can sometimes affect the amount of swing.

Other than that, manee has pretty much posted some top notch advice.
Re: Controlling new ball swing

I mean I have been playing with him for over 2 years now. And I set the field accordingly for him. He is a wrist bowler, gets the swing with his wrist. He bowled the first few games really well but the last 2 games he has been straying all over the leg side.

manee said:
If it is late swing, perhaps he should really look to concentrate to aim as Waqar Younis puts it "at fifth and sixth stump" so that the swing will take it into the stumps. If the swing is early, then perhaps it would be best to get him to try and go simply wider of the crease.

To negate swing though, hold the ball with a cross seam or better yet; place the fingers slightly across a straight seam, go closer to the stumps and look to take the ball away from the right hander. Bowling a shorter or very full length may also create a stronger wrist position which would negate the leg side issue.

Why do you think he swings it in? Is he very open chested at delivery and so has to push it with his wrist, is it simply a release issue or something else?
Re: Controlling new ball swing

Have a look at his action, is he falling away in his delivery stride? That can often cause the ball to get pushed down leg.
Re: Controlling new ball swing

Also his wrist position might be to blame because new ball bowling is all about your wrist position because the ball doesn't have much of a rough side.
Re: Controlling new ball swing

i had this same problem... what was killing me was that i was pointing the seem either towards, fine leg or slip... i had BIG problems trying 2 control my swing this way...

straight up and down seem fixed that... and as the other fellas have said... roll the ball a little if need be.. this SHOULD counter a little bit of the swing