Cricket Fitness Training



Cricket Fitness Training

I want to have a really successful season this year and am determined to achieve this goal. I would like to know what I should be doing in terms of fitness each week. Here's what I do now. 2 hours of nets, 4 hours of soccer (my school makes me) and 1 hour of tennis. I can go to the gym up to 3 times a week from now for anywhere up to one and a half hours. However, I don't know what I should be working on in the gym. I am quite inflexible but my general fitness levels are average to good. For my age I am very mature physically and haven't grown at all for 2 years.
Bowling-Medium Pace
Batting-Middle Order (4,5,6)
I do both but right now I am stronger at batting but I would like to get my bowling speed up. Can you please tell me what is should be doing to improve and what I should be looking to do in the gym?
Re: Cricket Fitness Training

Firstly, welcome to the forums, I hope you find them useful!

You've given a fairly good breakdown, so I'm sure some decent advice will be forthcoming (I would start it but I'm about to go to bed!); however, a good starting point would be here: Take a look at the first post by Liz and work through some of the links.

Any questions, report back here and then we can start to help you out a bit better.
Re: Cricket Fitness Training

You have made a great move to improving your game. Strength and mobility are critical to success.

At your age it would be tough to find a gym to teach you the free weight techniques that all players can benefit from, however I do recommend you use a bodyweight program to get yourself into the habit.

I also recommend you join up at harrowdrive and have a look at the archives especially here:
Re: Cricket Fitness Training

Thanks for telling me how to get it. Sorry if I sounded ungrateful, thank you for your help.
Re: Cricket Fitness Training

nickol1000 said:
The link to get the pdf doesn't work.

And you are very welcome.. sheesh!

It says over 18 but there is nothing under 18's have to avoid in there.