Encouraging People to play cricket


Well-Known Member
Encouraging People to play cricket

I've got two sons aged 6 and 9 who both show a slight interest in cricket but I'd like them to play cricket when they're older and be in a team etc. How did you lot get into cricket - where any of your fathers cricket players - how did they encourage you to play? What I'm afraid of is - if make them play cricket they'll react against it and end up not playing it. Anyone got any suggestions?
Re: Encouraging People to play cricket

Just make it fun, go out in the garden with a bat and ball and just have a mess around.

Don't try and coach them or anything, just let the throw, swing and generally have a laugh. If they see that it's fun, I'm sure they'll want to know more, thens the time to get them more involved.

My boy is 5 but we have a mess around from time to time and he enjoys it. I hope that once he's a bit older he'll remember that it's ok to play and start to ask more questions.
Re: Encouraging People to play cricket

I havent got kids, thank god! Still a good 10 years before that ;)

But i do have two very young cousins, 7 and 8, and the thing i do, as i want them to play is bring them down to games with my girlfriend, and whilst im playing they go off and play in the nets, when im waiting to bat, or get on the field, i usually sit with them telling them what happening.

When im not around they rarely play, but i find that a little bit every week keeps them enjoying it.
Re: Encouraging People to play cricket

I got interested by watching others play but didnt have anyone of my age to play with so my dad used to play with me. When i was 9 he brought a good kit for me and started to encourage me to play more and more. If they see others having fun while playing cricket they'll want to join in.
Re: Encouraging People to play cricket

Nice one, that's the kind of thing I'm trying to do. I give them the option of coming along with me and joining in and sometimes they do - more often than not they don't. We hang out with a few other families and they all join in and we find that if it doesn't go on for too long they get involved and enjoy it. My older son last summer kind of found his technique with line and length and seemed to get into it a bit more, so I'm hoping that'll mean he'll be more interested and the younger one who is more sporty and thinks he's Shane Warne should follow on behind him? I'll just keep my fingers crossed and not push too hard.
Re: Encouraging People to play cricket

Simbazz I'm with you on the kids thing, I don't know how old you are but I left all that till I was 38 and it seems to be panning out alright, get a life first, I think it sets you up to be a Dad in a different way.
Re: Encouraging People to play cricket

I'm the lowly age of 17 ;) Enjoying college (Kind of ;)) friends, girlfriend and life far too much for kids :p Although i do have plans to somehow work with kids in my work, either on a cruise ship or teaching, not sure yet ;)
Re: Encouraging People to play cricket

ive always been into cricket. my dad used to play for a club. i used to watch when he played and later he used to play with me in the park.
Re: Encouraging People to play cricket

My Dad never pushed me into sport but he was football and cricket mad and it came to me by osmosis.

Now I have a 6 year old boy who I watch cricket on TV with and play in the park with. I'll let him decide what he want to do but I'll make it easy for him to play (I coach at the local club for example).
Re: Encouraging People to play cricket

if they watch some exciting matches they might take interest. if they still dont enjoy it then i think they never will. i remember watching that 99 world cup semi final it was after that i really got interested into cricket.
Re: Encouraging People to play cricket

someblokecalleddave said:
I've got two sons aged 6 and 9 who both show a slight interest in cricket but I'd like them to play cricket when they're older and be in a team etc. How did you lot get into cricket - where any of your fathers cricket players - how did they encourage you to play? What I'm afraid of is - if make them play cricket they'll react against it and end up not playing it. Anyone got any suggestions?

My mates at high school got me into it when i was 12 and i've never looked back!I had a brief interest beforehand but didn't really have a go at it untill my mate asked me to come and play for his team so i went along and enjoyed it.A few of the dads at our club just bring there kids up with a football and a cricket set and let them do what they want to do.Generally they will play both and then join in with the little tennis ball cricket game we have after every game.If you take your kids to the club they'll see the other kids playing and join in with them.You can't really push them into something they might not want to do but giving them the option of playing cricket with other kids should tell you if they really like the game or not.
Re: Encouraging People to play cricket

Cheers for all the responses, I get the impression I'm probably doing the right thing in that I'm taking the approach whereby if they decide they want to do it I'll then help them along. But it does seem as though the last thing I should do is force it on them.
Re: Encouraging People to play cricket

For me my dad just played it with me in the garden. Nothing better than just chucking a couple of balls down to them and letting them have a smack. Once they realise its all about smacking a ball as hard as you like they'll love it.

Then remind them in bowling you can try and be as fast as you want as the faster you bowl it the more it hurts :p. Get them to play each other.
Re: Encouraging People to play cricket

My Nephew is of 7 years old and very much interested in painting and cricket.
He is aggressive in nature so picking up that point; i encourage him to hit the ball very hard or bowl me out with a fast delivery :)
Adding to it the verbal duels between us are also interesting :D
Overall the interest in Cricket gets more :)
Re: Encouraging People to play cricket

Having had a read through the thread, then I'd have to say that most people seem echo my thoughts.

The key thing is too make it fun, not to put pressure on them or ram the game down their throats. Cricket is funny in that it hooks people and rarely lets go, if your sons catch the bug then they'll want to know more and I'm sure will lap up any coaching or words of wisdom you have to offer. For now, just make it a fun time activity.

I probably came to the game from a slightly different angle as I developed a love of it despite not really having any family background in it. Over the years, I think I was the one who had to entice my father to get involved and learn to understand the game, but he got there in the end.
Re: Encouraging People to play cricket

Alot of little kids I muck around with and play cricket with throw.
I want to teach them how to bowl properly, but the next time I see them, they're throwing again. And I'm always worried they won't be able to bowl properly.
Re: Encouraging People to play cricket

Just quoting your post from the other thread.

someblokecalleddave said:
Yeah I got that impression - even you blokes that run this forum sound really young not that it matters (Some said they'd reply from Uni). Yeah I'm ancient - 47 and yeah I've got kids but if you're going to suggest they get involved - it's not going to happen as they're only 6 and 9 and I've got to be cautious as I really want them to play cricket and I am running the risk of over doing it with getting them involved (There's a thread elsewhere where I asked about encouraging kids to be involved).

Hey, I started when I was about 9. The older fella should be able to start playing U11s now.

Get the young fella involved in Kwik Cricket. It should help him enjoy cricket more and get to know more about the game.
Re: Encouraging People to play cricket

Some years ago, I was involved with a very small village club. We took rising 5s up to Year 6 on a Saturday morning; quite a few were only 4 years old and yes, I have to say, a lot were registered as a kind of child minding service whilst their parents shopped in the 'big' town. This was not an issue; we did not mind how the children got there, as long as they got there and in my mind, the earlier they started the better.

The club was extremely fortunate to have the most fantastic coach I have ever had the pleasure to be acquainted with. He was not young but had a fantastic interrelation with the little people; he inspired and encouraged them through small competitions and made up games whilst teaching them the fundamentals of cricket. Through fun, they were taught running technique, agility, balance and coordination without even knowing it.

As they reached 6 or 7 years old, Kwik Cricket games were introduced; continuous cricket, diamond cricket, racing cricket, the Lord's Game, etc. The little people grew with the game and it became a part of their lives.

So many young children want to miss this stage and go straight on to hard ball cricket and so many clubs are happy to provide this facility. In my opinion, this is a big mistake and a huge step backwards. As a specialist in Long Term Athletic Development, particularly fundamentals of movement, I truly believe, through experience, that the children miss out enormously on the basics whilst concentrating on batting and bowling technique at such a young age.

If any of you have your own 'little people'; boys and girls, get them involved, make it fun. If you see 'little people' at your club, get involved, make it fun for them.

By the way, I often see the 'little people' from the little village club today... all now very successful senior cricketers!
Re: Encouraging People to play cricket

Liz I try and avoid coming down heavy on technique - like you say I try and keep it fun, if they want to throw we do throwing exercises, but I avoid the association with cricket as much as possible. I try and introduce cricket specific skills e.g. baseball for eye/ball co-ordination. Football for short sprint and balance and overall agility, all with the intention that they'd rather be outside being fit and healthy in the sun rather than indoors playing PS2 or Nintendo dogs or whatever nonsense it is they do! But the master plan is that one day in the informal games something will come together as it did to some extent last summer when my older son suddenly got his arm action right copying me and declared that he was a fast bowler and started taking the rest of the kids out with fast balls!!!
Re: Encouraging People to play cricket

someblokecalleddave said:
Liz I try and avoid coming down heavy on technique - like you say I try and keep it fun, if they want to throw we do throwing exercises, but I avoid the association with cricket as much as possible. I try and introduce cricket specific skills e.g. baseball for eye/ball co-ordination. Football for short sprint and balance and overall agility, all with the intention that they'd rather be outside being fit and healthy in the sun rather than indoors playing PS2 or Nintendo dogs or whatever nonsense it is they do! But the master plan is that one day in the informal games something will come together as it did to some extent last summer when my older son suddenly got his arm action right copying me and declared that he was a fast bowler and started taking the rest of the kids out with fast balls!!!

Tear in the eye?

Its a good way you're doing it, but you have to introduce a bit of cricket, not a lot, but a bit now and again. Just to keep their interest.