Exercise Videos


New Member
Exercise Videos

I thought it would be a good idea if we could collect together videos of really good exercises that are cricket specific, like core exercises and rotar cuffs etc, so far I have seen 3 good videos 2 on rotar cuffs and 1 on core, it would be really good if anyone could post more videos on good exercises that help with cricket.

Rotar cuffs - found by liz
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NmROCy70cZs&NR=1"]YouTube - Sports Training - Weight Training - Rotator Cuff, perpendic.[/ame]
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IQh_7gI9WlM&NR=1"]YouTube - Sports Training - Weight Training - Rotator Cuff[/ame]

Some videos by micoach

Core strengthening
[ame="http://youtube.com/watch?v=A0vSX9GlgQo"]YouTube - Core Test[/ame]
Sadly i couldnt complete the test lol but i hope to in a month or so.
Re: Exercise Videos

great thread...I hope that we can get a lot of exercises on here, and if i find any good ones, i'll be sure to share.
Re: Exercise Videos

Any exercises that are good for cricket, I’m really trying to look for some good core ones that don’t involve equipment as I don’t have access to a gym at the moment.
Re: Exercise Videos

Should probably look to get these videos on the sC favourites channel. Would be good.
Re: Exercise Videos

If squats are working your quads as primary movers, you need to correct your technique.

You must keep your lower legs perpendicular to the ground [that should be my signature :D]. Your knees should NOT come forward.

Your chest should remain vertical as you lower; weight in your heels NOT your toes.

Your glutes should be pushed out to the wall behind you and you should be able to wriggle your toes at this point. Here you look like you are sitting on a dinning chair.

When down, hold. As soon as your knees move forward to counter the movement stop. This is as far as you can squat! Pulse at this point... 20 times.

Until you can assume this position with 90 degrees at the knees and 90 degrees at the hip [chest upright], you should not add weights.

Added 53 minute(s) and 14 second(s) later...

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bd9jmCC_cnA&NR=1"]YouTube - Ultimate 1 leg Squat[/ame]
Re: Exercise Videos

Liz, I tried squatting like you said...it is really difficult. I'm guessing I am supposed to keep my chest upright to add weight to quads because when i tried to force my chest back, i felt a burn in my quads. Keeping my weight on my heels caused me to feel a burn in my hamstrings.

my problem is when trying to force my chest vertical, i think I am overarching my back, which i think could cause me some pain later on....any advice?
Re: Exercise Videos

There's the rub unccricket... if it is easy, your muscles are not working :D

You should keep your chest up but vertical is something to work to. The worse thing you can do is hyperextend the spine. You should be challenging your joints and muscles but never force them. You should never feel pain in any exercise but you must feel the muscle working or it is not. The burning in your hamstrings is telling you that you are working them. With your extended knowledge of anatomy and physiology, can you tell me whether this 'burning' sensation is felt primarily in the biceps femoris or equally across all three, including the semitendinosus and semimembranosus?

The ideal is to work on these exercises in good form, never veer from good form. Only challenge your body to the extent where good form is about to be lost. As you work on these exercises, you will increase the flexibility about the joints and the strength of the muscles, allowing you to take the exercise further.

As I have mentioned before, do not add free weights until you can perform the movement correctly and hold it.
Re: Exercise Videos

Breathing is a huge subject... its not easy :D
Brace your core and breathe in deeply through the nose; you should see your ribcage expand.

Breathe out slowly through the mouth and watch your ribcage contract.

Breathe in to the count of four and out to the count of six.

Practise breathing. It sounds silly but this is something you should be able to do automatically. Trying to think about it during an exercise is too late ;)

When exercising, use your breath to help you. For example:

When you are crunching, take a deep breath in and as you exhale rise to the count of four then inhale and lower to the count of six as you inhale and repeat.

When doing press ups, take a deep breath in and as you exhale lower to the count of four then inhale and rise to the count of six and reapeat.

When holding the plank, just breathe. Whatever you do, do not hold your breath... your muscles need the oxygen.

Whatever count you use; 4/6, 2/2, 3/1, 1/3, 1/1, use your breath to the same count.
Re: Exercise Videos

haha, i don't have that much knowledge about anatomy/physiology...get back to me in about a 6 month's time and I will! but wikipedia is an incredible tool, and I'm pretty sure I figured out that the "burning" is mostly in the biceps femoris.

on a side note, my quadriceps are sore today from only doing about 20 body weight squats!

storm: is there anyway we could get all the videos put onto the first post so as this thread grows with discussion, there is easy access to exercise videos?
Re: Exercise Videos

are there any good bodyweight alternatives to deadlifts or other exercises that strengthen the lower back? i won't have access to a gym for another month, so I've been relying on bodyweight exercise for a fitness routine.