Falling apart; Ankle worries.

Re: Falling apart; Ankle worries.

jimmy33 said:
Jeez, you must have a really crap physio. Both of the ones ive been to have been more intent on stopping the injury from re-occuring than immediate treatment. And because training these specialist coaches costs a fair bit of money, and a lot of coaches at junior level are volunteers, its not untill you reach A-Grade or Seniors that you will run into those specialist coaches

There you go James; these physios did not have the privilege of seeing you until after the injury. We should not be showing you how to stop the injury from re-occuring; we should be showing you how to prevent the injury in the first place. :D
Re: Falling apart; Ankle worries.

I play blind-side flanker (number 6) most of the time, but can play anywhere in the back row of the scrum.

Additional information would include that I'm slightly flat footed. I have moulded inserts in my ski boots that give extra support around the arch that I plan on using in my cricket spikes this year as well.

The swelling/pain on my ankle is at the front of the ankle, progressing onto the top of the foot, very much in the middle of the joint. Sorry, I forgot to mention that before.

I'll make sure I do a lot of core work and I'll dig out the old wobble board as soon as the current injury clears up. I'll look out for a trampet, my school PE dept might have one somewhere that I could use after school one day.

I'll keep a look out for a physio as well. I think my dad goes to see one for his shoulder (was frozen last year) so I'll see if I can get an appointment as well.

Thanks very much Liz :D
Re: Falling apart; Ankle worries.

Jelly Beanz said:
I play blind-side flanker (number 6) most of the time, but can play anywhere in the back row of the scrum.

Fantastic! Are you being lifted yet?

Jelly Beanz said:
The swelling/pain on my ankle is at the front of the ankle, progressing onto the top of the foot, very much in the middle of the joint. Sorry, I forgot to mention that before.

Ah! This is quite significant.

I recommend you go to your GP and ask if he/she will refer you for x-ray/bone scan/MRI. Just to see the extent of the damage, then on to a physio. It should be looked at for a speedy recovery; a physio will get you sorted quite quickly but it would help if they could see the damage.
Re: Falling apart; Ankle worries.

OK thanks Liz, does that mean it's not weakened or whatever like we thought before?? Is it likely to recurr??

Yeah, I get lifted in the lineout. I'm first jumper for the team I play in. Do you follow rugby like cricket??
Re: Falling apart; Ankle worries.

Jelly Beanz said:
OK thanks Liz, does that mean it's not weakened or whatever like we thought before?? Is it likely to recurr??

It is not as bad as originally thought but it is unlikely to improve without help; unless you are prepared to put your life on hold for a year ;)

Jelly Beanz said:
Yeah, I get lifted in the lineout. I'm first jumper for the team I play in. Do you follow rugby like cricket??

As most guys on this site know, rugby is my first sport. If you wish, PM me your email and I shall email you something that may interest you. :D
Re: Falling apart; Ankle worries.

Thanks very much for the rugby info, the stuff about the lineout was especially interesting!! I'll have to remember to point the toes when I jump - last season I kicked one of the props in the crotch by accident, lets just say it wasnt too fun!!! :p

I'll try and find a sports physio near me to look at it. I don't think it's likely I'll be able to get an MRI but maybe ultrasound, would that work similarly??
Re: Falling apart; Ankle worries.

Jelly Beanz said:
...last season I kicked one of the props in the crotch by accident, lets just say it wasnt too fun!!! :p


Jelly Beanz said:
I'll try and find a sports physio near me to look at it. I don't think it's likely I'll be able to get an MRI but maybe ultrasound, would that work similarly??

Go to your GP first, he/she should be able to refer you to the right people.
Re: Falling apart; Ankle worries.

OK I will do.

btw, I hurt the ankle on Wednesday and it's relatively free from pain today. Just to give an idea of recovery time, but I have no idea how it'll stand up to activity.
Re: Falling apart; Ankle worries.

Hi Jelly Beanz and Liz,

Jelly Beanz, I had a pretty similar ankle injury at the beginning of last year (Jan). Rolled it playing football. It got so bad I couldn't even kick a ball without getting a huge pain and my foot going numb and me go off the field limping. I went to three different physio's, had to give up indoor football and was struggling to get fit for the start of cricket season beginning in October (I'm from Australia). My first physio didn't do anything, my second physio was excellent and it took around 8-10 weeks to heal. He strapped it and everything was fine till I went back to indoor football and hurt it once more. Finally went to my third physio as my second one moved to a different practice. I went to this physio about 4-5 times and did the whole wobble board and ankle strengthening exercises. He also did acupuncture which was pretty cool :) I got an ultrasound done and a bone scan which showed I had a fair amount of swelling and was prescribed arthritis tablets by my GP.

Now as you can probably see it took an extremely long time to heal my ankle, probably a lot longer than it was meant to. I'd say it was close to 8-9 months before it got to a good enough standard to bowl ( I'm also a fast bowler).

My advice would be to definately go to your GP and Physio if you can. Listen to everything Liz says as she has helped me a lot with strength exercises. Core work and gym work has helped me a lot and I am now able to do everything I use to be able to do. It may get very frustrating at times ( trust me on that one) but if you keep working at it and take it nice and slow, your ankle will be back to a decent standard before you know it.

If you have any questions or comments then feel free to post back and I'll get back to you asap.

P.S. Sorry Liz I was on holidays relaxing in Queensland for the week :)
Re: Falling apart; Ankle worries.

bonkers_1987 said:
P.S. Sorry Liz I was on holidays relaxing in Queensland for the week :)

No worries D, I know how busy you high fliers are ;) thanks for the input. JB's injury does sound very much like the one you suffered last year but, of course, without a scan, it is hard to say. Glad to hear you're on top form, especially after the week's chill out :D Hope the season is going well for you.

JB, I am sure Bonkers would not mind me sharing his injury with you:

Delayed static images demonstrated activity along the antero-medial aspect of the right ankle particularly involving the tibiotalar articulation [basically the front of the ankle joint]. The findings were in keeping with significant soft tissue injury with associated post traumatic arthritis.

He took this information along to a physio who was able to free the ankle quite quickly although there was some residual discomfort at the front of the foot. His physio isolated the problem to the talus bone, where there was significant bruising.

Bonkers' injury took a lot longer to heal than necessary because the first physios were working blind; recovery was comparatively quick after the scan.

I think his injury was a lot worse than yours is now, basically because he tried to battle on, hoping it would recover on its own.

Take his advice, go and see your GP and ask for an ultrasound and bone scan before it gets any worse ;)
Re: Falling apart; Ankle worries.

Thanks very much guys. I'll definitely do that. My mum's a doctor and is friends with a 'advanced remedial' specialist physio so I'm gonna go see her sometime. I'll try and get to the GPs as well.

Thanks :)
Re: Falling apart; Ankle worries.

Right, just thought some of you, well mainly Liz actually, would be interested in hearing the results of the physio session. I went yesterday and after explaining/poking around etc they decided it was a strain of the 'ascending d-something longus' running from toes to calf up the middle of my ankle. They manipulated it and gave me some exercises to do (squats focusing on weight through heel, mini-squats up on toes, calf raises up on toes, walking on the sides of your feet) and they also said that my 'sub tallus' joint was really gummed up, so they loosened that but said it took longer than it should have to loosen it. It looks like this was probably the root of the whole thing because it being stiff would've weakened the ability of the ankle to withstand impact.

From here on, I'm really just looking at doing the exercies and generally doing nothing stupid to it. If the problem arises again I'll go back to the same person.
Re: Falling apart; Ankle worries.

Thanks JB, very interested indeed.

Could it be the Extensor digitorum longus?

It sounds like you have a great physio there and the exercises should sort you out; don't let up on them ;) Drink plenty of water too to help the muscles.

Good luck with everything and keep us informed.