Fitness For 13 Year Old!


New Member

I'm a 13 year old boy .
What are the best exercises I can do with equipments?

Note: My friend wants to know that if he does not have barbell , can he use his cricket bat ?
Hi mate,

Being a 13 year old, you might want to stay away from the weights a bit,
just because he is still growing and we dont want to stud his growth with heaps of heavy weights.

What you want to really focus on is his core strength.
Bridges, situps etc need to be done.

Being a fast bowler myself playing at a pretty high level, the coaches make us do bridges and situps everyday.

Also, pushups are very good.
this will strengthen his pex and shoulders.

Rotator cuff muscles are somthing you might want to research aswell.

I would direct you to my website but i have nothing on strength yet.
become a member if you want to my site and ill notify you when im done :)

I hope this helped:)
There are approximately 0 studies supporting the myth that weights - heavy or otherwise - will stunt anyones growth. On the other hand, there is a hell of a lot of evidence supporting the notion that heavy weights increase bone density.
No, a 13 year old probably shouldn't be lifting particularly heavy loads. But that has more to do with the fact that most 13 year olds don't have access to even remotely average coaching, and not anything to do with growing or whatever else.

There isn't a real substitute for a barbell in a strength training program. But bodyweight exercises are better than no exercise.

I'm a 13 year old boy .
What are the best exercises I can do with equipments?

Note: My friend wants to know that if he does not have barbell , can he use his cricket bat ?

Firstly, Yes! Your friend can use his cricket bat.

Secondly, correct strength training is not going to stunt your growth... however, poor strength training, with poor technique and/or incorrect resistance can disrupt and stunt growth cells. This is a totally different kettle of fish and is far worse than stunting your growth.

Personally, I would have no issues with training somebody your age, although my friends here would have no trouble training athletes from 10 years up.

I am afraid I would not even begin to give you exercises without assessing you and you should stay away from anybody who will. As I said, it is vitally important that the exercises are right for you, where you are at now and believe me, no two guys your age are the same.

Your best bet is to go through this forum:

... from the beginning and pick out the relevant threads. Here you will find some excellent advice from people who know what they are talking about, including MV! and miCoach.

Until then, follow cricketdrills' advice and stick with bodyweight training... you will find and excellent programme in the above forum. If you want to look into rotator cuff work, you could start here: :D
From tommorow onwards , I am going to do some bridges , situps , pushups!
Any warm up exercises i can do before doing brdges , pushups etc

and What is the best time of the day to do these exercises?