Flat feet or fallen arches


New Member
Flat feet or fallen arches

I have flat feet or as they are called technically fallen arches
my problem is any shoes i own or particulary my cricket shoes get worn on the outside heal and inside front or toe bit.
should i go see and podiarist?
i just go some cheap arch cushion orthotics from coles shoudl i wait and see how they go?
Re: Flat feet or fallen arches

go to the podiatrist ASAP

my shoes were exzactly like that i went through 3 pairs of shoes in a season, went to the podiatrist and got custom made orthodics, since then have had 1 pair of shoes for 2 years for cricket, very much worth the money spent
Re: Flat feet or fallen arches

My main worry would not be the shoes. Fallen arches cause far too many injuries to contemplate not doing anything about them. If you participate in sport with fallen arches, the consequences are far greater.

Go and see an podiatrist ASAP and as g_s_4_r says, get them custom fitted. No two people are alike. Your feet did not come off the shelf, nor should their remedy :)